[12/08]Russia scrapped the South Stream pipeline project supplying gas to Europe;nuclear haze contamination existsin China unreliably

Author:Jing Tian Source:ceep Date:2014-12-08 Views:

Russia scrapped the South Stream pipeline project supplying gas to Europe;nuclear haze contamination existsin China unreliably


Review of International Energy News
——Russia on the first day of December scrapped the South Stream pipeline project to supply gas to southern Europe without crossing Ukraine, citing EU objections, and instead named Turkey as its preferred partner for an alternative pipeline, with a promise of hefty discounts.
——The sixth European Union-United States Energy Council met on 3rd of December in Brusselstopromoteenergycooperation and enhance energy security between Europe and Ukraine.
——On 5thDecember, Chinese and South African parties have signed several nuclear accords including a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on a nuclear fuel cycle partnership, a financing framework agreement for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in South Africa, and an agreement on nuclear personnel training.

Review of Domestic Energy News
——One specialist from China Association for Science and Technology and Chinese Nuclear Society pointed out that the existence of nuclear haze contamination in China is unjustified and unreliable.
——Resource-rich Shanxi province has reformed its coal and coke road haulage system, eliminating outbound sales permits and inspection stations effectively and so on.
