[02/22]Japan has more electric car chargers than gas stations; China announces a progressive pricing scheme for water and gas use

Author:Jing Tian Source:ceep Date:2015-02-23 Views:

Japan has more electric car chargers than gas stations; China announces a progressive pricing scheme for water and gas use


Review of International Energy News
◆The number of power points in Japan, including fast-chargers and those in homes, has surged to 40,000, surpassing the nation’s 34,000 gas stations..
◆The International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) remains concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear-related activities involving military-related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.
◆India sealed a nuclear energy agreement with Sri Lanka on Monday, which was a pointed message to Chine that has been building ports and highways in a diplomatic push in Sri Lanka in recent years.
◆On 19th February 2015, Angra 1 nuclear power plant, one of Brazil's two nuclear reactors, has been disconnected because of a flaw in a condenser that cools the steam used by the plant's electric power generator..

Review of Domestic Energy News
◆China has announced a progressive pricing scheme for water and gas use, which will be implemented nationwide by 2015. It marks the latest move from the government to promote water and gas conservancy.
◆On 16th February 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission has released more details for new applications of crude import quotas, with guidelines that will directly impact the country's independent teapot refineries.
◆China released six standards for its distributed energy sector and the implementation of these standards is to start on 1st March 2015.
