[03/22]The global PV installed capacity will be estimated at 500GW in 2019;2015 PV implementation programmes published formally.

Author:YE MA Source:ceep Date:2015-03-23 Views:

The global PV installed capacity will be estimated at 500GW in 2019; 2015 PV implementation programmes published formally.


Review of International Energy News
——The global PV installed capacity will be estimated at 500GW in 2019.
——United Kingdom petroleum company will invest 12 billion US dollars for the oil and gas development of Egypt.
——Oil production of OPEC was pulled down by Iraqioil reduction of output.
——Turkey, and Georgia and Azerbaijan started to construct the trans-Anatolian gas pipeline

Review of Domestic Energy News
——2015 PV implementation programmes published formally.
——Inner Mongolia has proven reserves of more than 100 tons of gold ore which can be mined for 30 years.
——CEC: thegrowth of electricity consumption will picke upthis year
