[02/28] Indonesia vigorously develops coal gasification projects

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2021-03-01 Views:

Indonesia vigorously develops coal gasification projects, and the State Council has issued the guidance on accelerating the establishment and improvement of a green, low-carbon and circular economic system


Highlights of International Energy News

——Renewable energy power accounts for 34% of the total electricity consumption in the 27 EU countries

——Indonesia vigorously develops coal gasification project

——Commercial operation of the world's first 9ha.02 gas turbine

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——The first "five in one" comprehensive energy service station in Northeast China has been put into operation in Dalian Free Trade Zone

——The State Council issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the establishment and improvement of green low carbon circular development economic system

——From 2017 to 2020, the proportion of national coal consumption will drop from 60.4% to about 57%

——Shanghai has issued a new energy vehicle industry development plan
