[07/11] According to the International Energy Agency

Author:Peng Wang Source:ceep Date:2021-07-11 Views:

According to the International Energy Agency, China’s electric vehicle sales will account for 60% in 2030, and the gradual expansion of China’s carbon market will start soon.


Highlights of International Energy News

——The Director of the International Energy Agency: By 2030, the sales of electric vehicles will account for 60% of the total sales of vehicles in order to achieve the goal of zero net sales

——The EU carbon tariff is about to come out, and experts suggest that export companies do a good job of tracking their carbon footprint

——Japan raises solar power targets, and photovoltaic panels may be installed on every roof

——Iraqi Oil Minister Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Support the extension of the current agreement until the end of next year and gradually increase oil production

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——Ministry of Ecology and Environment: It will gradually expand the scope of industries covered by the carbon market, and orderly incorporate it into high-emission industries such as cement and non-ferrous metals.

——Shaanxi accelerates the development of photovoltaic wind power and actively plans for centralized energy storage projects

——Sinopec will start the construction of China's first megaton CCUS project

——National Development and Reform Commission: Promote the formation of a coal reserve system with flexible adjustments and strong guarantees
