Dr. Jingli Fan

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2014-12-10 Views:

Basic information:

Jingli Fan wasborn in 1987, HebeiProvince.She is a lecturer in Faculty of Resource & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology. Herrecent research concentrates on Complex System Analysis and Modeling, Energy and Climate Economy as well as Coal Market.

Education background:

Sep. 2009—Jul.2014:Ph.D. (Management Science and Engineering) in School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology
Sep. 2009—Jun.2014:Ph.D. (Management Science and Engineering) in Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology.
Nov.2011—Nov.2012:Researcher in Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University.

Articles, Projects/Program Experience and Honors:

Dr.Jing-li Fanhas published over 10 papers in famous academic journals such asApplied Energy and Journal of Cleaner Production.One of her articles has been in the the Essential Science Indicators’ (ESI) Highly Cited Papers List.Moreover, She has participated in about 10 programs including the Significant International Cooperation Program,‘973’ Program and Key Program. Meanwhile, she has many honors such as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of BIT, the Excellent Graduate Award of BIT, the First Grade ofXuTe-Li scholarship and the SpecialGradeScholarshipfor Ph.D. Candidates of BIT.
