Dr. Kang Li

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2015-07-13 Views:

Personal Information

Name:Kang Li Sex:Female

Hometown:Weifang, Shandong province
Member of China Association for science and Technology Development Research Center
Profession:Ph.D.in Management Science and Engineering

School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT);

Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT);

Student members in the international energy association (IAEE) student members


Research fields

Energy poverty, Energy and health, Climate change and poverty,etc.

Major award

Outstanding graduate students of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2010

Participated in research projects

[1]Research on the Socio-Economic Vulnerability of Climate Change: Analysis, Method and Application. Significant International Cooperation Program Initiated by Natural Science Foundation of China., 2010-2013.

[2]Feasibility Study on Foundation of Climate Change International (Regional) Research Center Dominated By China. ‘973’ Program Initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2010
