Dr. Zhifu Mi

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  Dr. Zhifu Mi is a Senior Research Associate in the School of International Development, University of East Anglia (UEA) and Senior Research Fellow in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. He has authored over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Climatic Change, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, and Applied Energy. He was invited to write a review article entitled Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) for Climate Change in Oxford Bibliographies which invites top scholars and researchers in the field to contribute. He has served as an Author for Chapter 37 on International Policies and Actions to Tackle Climate Change in the Third National Assessment Report on Climate Change which is known as Chinese “IPCC Assessment Report”. He is a Managing Guest Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=4.959). He has been invited to attend three United Nations conferences, including United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in Brazil in 2012, United Nations Climate Change Conference 2014 (COP20) held in Peru in 2014, and United Nations Climate Change Conference 2016 (COP22) held in Morocco in 2016.

Zhifu MI, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate, School of International Development, University of East Anglia
Senior Research Fellow, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Research Interests

Climate change economics
Energy policy
Climate change integrated assessment model (IAM)
Input-output analysis


2015, Ph.D. in School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2010, B.S in School of Mathematics, Shandong University


1. Mi Z, Wei Y, Wang B, et al. 2017. Socioeconomic impact assessment of China’s CO2 emissions peak prior to 2030. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142: 2227-2236. (IF=4.959)
2. Mi Z, Wei Y, He C, et al. 2017. Regional efforts to mitigate climate change in China: A multi-criteria assessment approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 22: 45-66. (IF=3.085)
3. Mi Z, Wei Y, Tang B, et al. 2017. Risk assessment of oil price from static and dynamic modelling approaches. Applied Economics. 49(9):929-939. (IF=0.586)
4. Mi Z, Zhang Y, Guan D, et al. 2016. Consumption-based emission accounting for Chinese cities. Applied Energy. 184:1073-1081. (IF=5.746)
5. Yang Z, Wei Y, Mi Z. 2016. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) for climate change. Oxford Bibliographies. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199363445-0043. (Invited review)
6. Yuan X, Sun X, Lall U, Mi Z, He J, Wei Y. 2016. China's socioeconomic risk from extreme events in a changing climate: a hierarchical Bayesian model. Climatic Change. 139(2):139-169. (IF=3.344)
7. Yu H, Wei Y, Tang B, Mi Z*, Pan S. 2016. Assessment on the research trend of low-carbon energy technology investment: A bibliometric analysis. Applied Energy. 184:960-970. (IF=5.746)
8. Shan Y, Guan D, Liu J, Liu Z, Liu J, Schroeder H, Chen Y, Shao S, Mi Z, Zhang Q. 2016. CO2 emissions inventory of Chinese cities. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. DOI: 10.5194/acp-2016-176. (IF=5.114)
9. Mi Z, Pan S, Yu H, Wei Y. 2015. Potential impacts of industrial structure on energy consumption and CO2 emission: a case study of Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production. 103: 455–462. (IF=4.959)
10. Wei Y, Mi Z, Huang Z. 2015. Climate policy modeling: an online SCI-E and SSCI based literature review. OMEGA–The International Journal of Management Science. 57: 70-84. (IF=3.962)
11. Li H, Wei Y, Mi Z. 2015. China’s carbon flow: 2008–2012. Energy Policy. 80: 45-53. (IF=3.045)
12. Yu H, Pan S, Tang B, Mi Z, Zhang Y, Wei Y. 2015. Urban energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Beijing: current and future. Energy Efficiency. 8(3): 527-543. (IF=1.183)
13. Mi Z, Zhang Y. 2011. Estimating the ‘value at risk’ of EUA futures prices based on the extreme value theory. International Journal of Global Energy Issues. 35(2/3/4): 145-157.
14. Mi Z, Wei Y. International policies to tackle climate change. In: Third National Assessment Report on Climate Change. Beijing: Science Press; 2015. pp. 777-800. (in Chinese).
15. Wei Y, Mi Z, Li M, Wang Q. Policies and actions of energy poverty eradication. In: Wei Y, Liao H, Wang K, Hao Y (Eds). China energy report (2014): energy poverty research. Beijing: Science Press; 2014. pp. 185-200. (in Chinese).

Book Chapters

[1]Wei Y, Wang K, Zhang H, Gong X, Mi Z, et al. International policies and actions to tackle climate change. In: Third National Assessment Report on Climate Change. Beijing: Science Press; 2015. pp. 777-800. (in Chinese).
[2]Wei Y, Mi Z, Li M, Wang Q. Policies and actions of energy poverty eradication. In: Wei Y, Liao H, Wang K, Hao Y (Eds). China energy report (2014): energy poverty research. Beijing: Science Press; 2014. pp. 185-200. (in Chinese).


1. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2016 (COP22), Marrakech, Morocco, 2016.
2. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2014 (COP20), Lima, Peru, 2014.
3. International Energy Workshop 2014, Beijing, China, 2014.
4. International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials, Antalya, Turkey, 2013.
5. United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012.
6. 7th Japan–China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management and Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.

Scholarships & Honors

1. 2014, National Scholarship for postgraduate, awarded by Ministry of Education of China
2. 2013, National Scholarship for postgraduate, awarded by Ministry of Education of China
3. 2012, National Scholarship for postgraduate, awarded by Ministry of Education of China
4. 2007, National Scholarship for undergraduate, awarded by Ministry of Education of China
5. 2010, Outstanding Graduate in Shandong Province
6. 2008, Principal Scholarship in Shandong University, awarded to 30 students every year
7. 2009, First-class scholarship in Shandong University, top 5%
8. 2008, First-class scholarship in Shandong University, top 5%
9. 2007, First-class scholarship in Shandong University, top 5%
