Issue 1: Characteristics of world energy consumption’s differences and unbalances, and implications for China

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Constricted or influenced by the unbalanced distribution of world’s energy resources, innovation of energy technology, variability of energy market, periodical growth of world economy, stage of each counties’ socio-economic development and policy and so on, energy consumption in each country are different and unbalanced. The difference and unbalance exist in time series and space dimensions, in level and change rate dimensions, and also in quantity of each person and quality. Currently, the international community pays attention on energy and carbon emissions, and realizes the importance of energy security and reduction of carbon emissions. No matter the issues of energy or issues of carbon emissions, they are both the issues of development. The present briefing includes the energy issue into the framework of socio-economic development, which intends to introduce the characteristic of world energy consumption’s differences and unbalances, and implication or suggestions for China.