Applied Energy(Elsevier)

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2015-01-08 Views:

Applied Energy(Elsevier)
Guest Editors:

Professor Yong Geng, School of Environmental Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Professor Yiming Wei, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Institute of Technology;
Professor Manfred Fischedick, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Energy and Environment, Germany;
Dr. Lynn Price, China Energy Group Leader, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA;
Professor Anthony Chiu, Department of Industrial Engineering, De La Salle University, Philippine;
Professor Bin Chen, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, China;

Managing editor:
Professor Jinyue Yan,
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Malardalen University (MDU), Sweden,Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Int. Journal, Applied Energy
