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The 3rd Annual Conference on Energy Economics and Management held successfully

The 3rd Annual Conference on Energy Economics and Management (also the 5th Workshop on Development and Utilization Strategy of Energy Resources) was held successfully from October 13th to July 15th 2011 at Jiangsu University. The meeting was organized by Department of Management Sciences, NSFC and Chinese Society for Energy Economics of SCOPE; and hosted by Jiangsu University. More than 140 experts, scholars and graduate students from universities, government departments, energy enterprises and scientific research institutes all attended the meeting.

Prof. Yuan Shouqi, who is President of Jiangsu University, Prof. Wei Yiming, who is Vice Chairman of SCOPE and Prof. Gao Ziyou, who is the Manager of Management Science Department of National Natural Science Foundation of China, delivered speeches respectively. Counselor of the State Council and former Director of the Office of National Energy Xu Dingming delivered keynote speeches. The participants discussed extensively the key issues of China's energy development strategy, the current situation and the "12th Five-Year Plan" energy-saving outlook, energy peak, carbon emission reduction path, international energy cooperation and energy market etc.
