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The 6th Annual Conference on Energy Economy and Management held in Guangzhou

On Nov. 11-13, 2015, the 6th Annual Conference on Energy Economy and Management was jointly organized by CSEEM and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) at Jinan University. More than 300 experts, scholars and graduate students from universities, government departments, energy enterprises and scientific research institutes attended the meeting.

The conference was entitled "New Global Emission Reduction Agreements and Energy Policies". The conference received 210 papers and abstracts, among which 160 authors reported papers in 14 sessions. A total of eight special reports and keynote speeches were presented: Prof. Dai Yande, Director of Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), reported "China's Energy Economy Situation and Transformation"; Prof. Huo Hong, Project Manager of the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), gave a presentation on "Energy Economics and Management of Science Funds in the field of funding"; National "Thousand Talents Program" Distinguished expert Professor Yan Jinyue reported "the future of energy systems"; Cornell University Professor Li Shanjun reported "the application of micro-data analysis on the new energy vehicle consumer behavior and its policy implications"; Prof. Chen Shiyi, the winner of National Outstanding Youth Program, reported China's Energy Environment and Economic Transformation; Liu Xiaohong, who is the chairman of Guangzhou Carbon Emissions Trading, presented "the carbon market development and its prospects "; Prof. Guan Dabo from University of East Anglia of UK gave a speech on the relationship between climate change and international trade; Prof. Wang Can from Tsinghua University reported the "Relationship between Energy and Water Resources".

The conference also awarded 12 outstanding graduate students, including one first prize, three second prizes, and eight third prizes.
