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The 2nd Youth Energy and Environmental Policy Management Conference held successfully

The 2nd Youth Energy and Environmental Policy Management Conference was successfully held from June 5th to June 6th at Renmin University of China. This conference was sponsored by Chinese Society of Energy Economics and Management (CSEEM) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and organized by Centre for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEP) BIT, Collaborative Innovation Center for China Economy and Research Center for Soft Energy Science (RCSES) NUAA jointly.

Over 200 professors, junior researchers and postgraduate students have attended this meeting. The topics covered Energy consumption, energy efficiency and productivity, energy consumption/demand, energy policy impact and evaluation, environmental policy impact and evaluation, energy externalities, pollutant emission reduction and other nearly 10 issues.

During the group meeting, more than 50 young scholars from the several universities reported the latest research results, and the participants enthusiastically asked and discussed questions, which reached the expected purpose of promoting the academic exchange of young scholars. After the group discussion, Prof. Zhou Peng, Director of the Program Committee, summarized the meeting. Prof. Liao Hua presented the prize for the best paper winners. The award ceremony was chaired by Prof. Wei Chu.
