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The 3rd Youth Energy and Environmental Policy Management Conference held smoothly

On June 18-19, 2016, The 3rd Youth Energy and Environmental Policy Management Conference was held in China Science and Technology Hall. This conference was jointly sponsored by Chinese Society of Energy Economics and Management (CSEEM) and the Chinese Society of Industrial Economics and hosted by the Research Center of Energy Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The conference focused on the energy supply and demand of the comprehensive well-off society, the "one belt, one road" strategy and energy cooperation, the haze governance and energy transformation, the total coal control and the transformation and upgrading of traditional energy sources, and the environmental effects of new energy and renewable energy etc.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Du Xiangwan, who is the Vice Chairman of the National Energy Expert Advisory Committee, and Deputy Director of the National Climate Change Expert Committee He Jiankun, who is the Vice President of Tsinghua University, attended the meeting and presented keynote speeches. At the meeting, the resaerch group "Energy Transformation and Renewable Energy Development", which is from the Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, released the latest research report on "China's energy transformation and implementation path" to the community.
