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The Belt and Road promote domestic economic development; China's successful combustible ice mining facilitates energy production and consumption transformation

The Belt and Road promote domestic economic development; China's successful combustible ice mining facilitates energy production and consumption transformation


Review of International Energy News
——The Belt and Road oil and gas cooperation conference held in Beijing.
——Energy-saving and emission reduction technology promote the international cooperation.
——IEA released 2017 Oil Market Report: investment downturn will lead to global crude oil short supply after 2020 ".

Review of Domestic Energy News
——State Power Investment Corporation and CRRC Corporation Limited start clean energy project strategic cooperation.
——China's successful exploitation of combustible ice has an important and far-reaching impact.
——China's fourth energy import channel opened up and China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline crude oil began to enter China.
——The State Council issued ‘a number of opinions on deepening the reform of oil and gas system’.
