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A US PV company filed an investigation into ‘201’ survey; China's oil and gas exploration system will be released in order

A US PV company filed an investigation into ‘201’ survey; China's oil and gas exploration system will be released in order


Review of International Energy News
——Suniva, a US PV company, filed an investigation into a global PV cell and component (‘201’ survey).
——OPEC and non-OPEC oil-producing countries, such as Russia, decided to extend the crude oil production agreement.
——Switzerland passed the Energy Amendment Act.
——India banned Chinese companies from investing in national grid

Review of Domestic Energy News
——China's oil and gas exploration system will be released in an orderly manner.
——Oil prices ushered in the fourth increase.
——Long-term reduction in coal prices is basically a foregone conclusion.
——The world's first demonstration project dome hoisting of ‘Hualong One’ has successfully completed’.
