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Trump announced that the USA withdraw from the 'Paris agreement';China's provincial electricity transmission and distribution reform is expected to be implemented before the end of June

Trump announced that the USA withdraw from the 'Paris agreement';China's provincial electricity transmission and distribution reform is expected to be implemented before the end of June


Review of International Energy News
◆Trump announced that the United States withdraw the "Paris Agreement".
◆Chinese investment in Uzbekistan gas field development project started ground.
◆China-Pakistan Economic Corridor's first large-scale energy projects put into power generation.
◆The international crude oil market deep game intensified.

Review of Domestic Energy News
◆China's provincial transmission and distribution price is expected to be implemented before the end of June.
◆China Sea gas hydrate forecast resources of about 80 billion tons of oil equivalent.
◆The central government supports the pilot work of winter cleaning and heating in the north.
◆Yunnan proportion of non-fossil energy power account for 93%, Up to world-class level.
