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International energy pattern is rebalanced; “One Belt, One Road” shows the way to international collaboration for power industry

International energy pattern is rebalanced; “One Belt, One Road” shows the way to international collaboration for power industry

Review of International Energy News
——“Natural gas RMB” is ready to come out, and international energy pattern is rebalanced.
——Iran quit the nuclear deal, which might injure Chinese oil industry.
——Grid capacity of Azerbaijan grew by 40% and its foreign electricity sales reached 25.915 billion US dollars.

Review of Domestic Energy News
——Domestic oil price adjustments ran aground for the 4th times in this year, which is forecasted to possibly decline in the future.
——“One Belt, One Road” shows the way to international collaboration for power industry.
——Total electricity consumption increased by 9.9% year on year, mainly impacted by high temperature.
——Dongguan initiated the upgradation of grid in an effort to achieve “four-100%-goal” in 2020
