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Australia is preparing a renewable energy project; China’s National Energy Administration will formulate energy development strategy outline for 2035 and 2050

Australia is preparing a renewable energy project; China’s National Energy Administration will formulate energy development strategy outline for 2035 and 2050
Review of International Energy News
—— Australia is preparing a renewable energy project of 6GW, intended to export electricity to Indonesia.
—— Israel strengthens energy cooperation with the EU.
—— Crude oil prices are estimated to fluctuate at a higher level in 2019.
Review of Domestic Energy News
—— China’s National Energy Administration will formulate energy development strategy outline for 2035 and 2050.
—— China Development Bank and Petrobras signed an oil trade financing agreement of $ 5 billion.
—— Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a special urgency that using coal for heating is still permitted where coal to gas (electricity) project has yet been unfinished.
—— The world's largest conglomerate oil field was discovered in Ma Lake in Xinjiang.