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BP released the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018; China's energy consumption continues to pick up in the first half of the year

BP released the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018; China's energy consumption continues to pick up in the first half of the year

Review of International Energy News
——The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018 was formally released.
——EU energy commissioner urges to compile new targets for carbon reduction.
——West Africa's power market has broad prospects for development.
——A dam collapse occurs in Laos hydropower station.

Review of Domestic Energy News
——National Energy Administration announced that China’s energy consumption continues to pick up in the first half of 2018.
——China's major power companies have signed 494 "One Belt, One Road" projects in five years.
——Shanxi and Zhejiang provinces reached a preliminary consensus on cooperating on transmitting Shanxi’s electricity to Zhejiang.
