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The global PV market is developing rapidly; China's power reform continues to advance

The global PV market is developing rapidly; China's power reform continues to advance

Review of International Energy News
——IEA estimated that global renewable energy investment witnesses a biggest fall within 15 years in 2017.
——In 2018, there will be 14 markets in the world with the PV installed capacity of more than 1GW.
——Venezuela's average daily oil production in July fell by 3.6% from the previous month.
——Ecuador's oil revenue increased by 27% in the first half of 2018

Review of Domestic Energy News
——Guizhou Province will generate 210 billion kWh of electricity in 2018.
——Shanghai aims to build a world-class city energy Internet.
——Jiangxi Province introduced a pilot program of cross-provincial and cross-regional direct electricity transaction.
