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Global coal demand will remain stable in the next five years;smart energy will promote China's new energy development trend

Global coal demand will remain stable in the next five years;smart energy will promote China's new energy development trend.

Review of International Energy News
——Coal remains at the heart of the global energy system and global coal demand will remain stable over the next five years.
——Global climate losses amount to $650 billion over the past three years.
——Addressing climate change requires action in line with commitment.
——Is shale gas development in the United States associated with local seismic activity?

Review of Domestic Energy News
——Smart energy will promote China's new energy development trend..
——China plans to reduce non-technical costs of wind power and make the price of wind power reasonable.
——National Energy Administration announced to accelerate the pace of industrialization, and achieve the goal that annual production of bio-natural gas will have exceeded 30 billion cubic meters by 2030
