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The value of Japan Fukushima radiation soared

The value of Japan Fukushima radiation soared; the sales volume of fireworks declined this year.


Review of International Energy News
◆According to the latest data, the value of Japan Fukushima radiation soared. Japan government decided to decontaminate the nuclear radiation pollution with national finance.
◆Eight companies and an alliance from foreign countries participated into the competitive bidding for the construction of the Armenian-Georgia power lines.
◆IBM and ABB cooperated with each other to develop a new type of high voltage insulators, which can improve the power grid transmission efficiency.
◆Foreign media: Italian businessmen had dumped 200,000 barrels of nuclear waste in Taiwan waters.

Review of Domestic Energy News
◆Fireworks is an important reason to increase the Spring Festival Haze. The sales volume declined this year.
◆The NDRC and National Energy Administration launched the Basic Rules for Medium and Long Term Power Electricity Transaction, which help to give a clear direction for electricity reform.
◆A special supervision was launched by several sectors to eliminate backward production capacity in cement glass industry.
