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Egypt will build its first nuclear power plant in the northwest of the capital; China petroleum corporation’s first project in Russia – the AGPP project, was officially launched on the 24th .

Egypt will build its first nuclear power plant in the northwest of the capital; China petroleum corporation’s first project in Russia – the AGPP project, was officially launched on the 24th.


Review of International Energy News
◆Egypt will build its first nuclear power plant in the northwest of the capital, Cairo.
◆Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter of crude oil, has recently proposed energy reform initiatives to promote renewable energy power generation projects and to start the privatization process in the power sector.
◆India plans to have more than three times the current renewable energy, in order to achieve this goal, renewable energy needs to occupy more than 40% of India's power generation capacity.

Review of Domestic Energy News
◆China petroleum corporation’s first project in Russia – the AGPP project, was officially launched on the 24th .
◆China launched the energy production and consumption in the long - term planning to speed up the transformation of energy development.
◆China has achieved a substantial breakthrough in marine and deep gas exploration and built a number of large gas fields. China's natural gas production rose rapidly to 1316 billion cubic meters in 2016, becoming the world's sixth largest producer of gas.
