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China’s National Key R&D Program “Integrated Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Economic System” 2017 Working Conference led by Beijing Institute of Technology held

On September 28th, 2017, China’s National Key R&D Program “Integrated Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Economic System” (Program Number: 2016YFA0602600) 2017 Working Conference was held successfully in Beijing. This conference was led by Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, BIT, meanwhile attracting leaders from Institute of science and technology of BIT, 13 expert advisers and cooperation units like National Climate Center, National Information Center, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of East Anglia and other institutions. Over 50 researchers fully attended the conference.

At the meeting, Minister Huang of Institute of Science and Technology of BIT delivered a speech and thanked the participating experts. The Chief Scientist of the project, Professor Yi-Ming Wei, first reported on the overall progress of the project in 2017. Thereafter, the Professor Zhong-Yu Ma from National Information Center, Professor Xue-Li Shi of National Climate Center, Professor Yi-Ming Wei of Beijing institute of technology, Professor Da-Bo Guan of University of East Anglia have carried on the detailed report about the existing research achievement and future research plan of their responsible sub-project respectively.

Finally, the expert advisory group conducted a full discussion and communication with researchers according to each project report content, they gave affirmation to the existing research achievements and put forward suggestions on the future development and improvement of the project.
