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Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission officially identified "Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management"

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission formally identified the "Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management". The laboratory is based on the School of Management and Economics at Beijing Institute of Technology and Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at Beijing Institute of Technology. Director of the Laboratory is Prof. Yi-Ming Wei, who is a Distinguished professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology (Top1% authors in the field of Environmental Economics at IDEAS ).

The laboratory conducts researches on energy economics, climate policy and environmental management armed with qualitative and quantitative tools, aiming to provide scientific basis for public and private decisions in strategy planning and management that needed to cope with China's increasing demand for energy as well as the challenges of adapting to and mitigating climate change.nd platform research, low carbon economy and sustainable development countermeasures research, low carbon city system and behavioral economy research.

The Laboratory has 23 full-time staff, including 1 Cheung Kong Distinguished professor, 2 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 winners of the Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars, 1 winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 8 professors, 7 associate professors, 8 lecturers or assistant professors. Personnel composed of young and middle-aged people with multi-disciplinary background.

The laboratory is supported by Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China as well; it is one of the first five teams for think tank research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and also one of the 10 excellent research teams supported by the the Beijing Natural Science Foundation during "Twelve Five-Year" period.
