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Professor Wei Yiming of CEEP was elected as Most Cited Chinese Researchers once again

Recently, the world-renowned publisher, Elsevier, announced the list of Most Cited Chinese Researchers of 2017. Professor Wei Yiming from CEEP is on the list. Actually, Professor Wei has been on the list for 4 successive years.

This list, adapting data from Scopusing, a database belonging to Elsevier for index of peer-review academic papers, based on systematic analysis of abundant data relevant to academic researches, authors and academic institutions, aims to analyze and evaluate Chinese scholars’ world influence. This list falls into 38 subject categories, each of which contains the name, current workplace and research interest of Most Cited Chinese Researchers. Most Cited Chinese Researchers top among all mainland researchers in terms of citations of their published papers as first author or corresponding author. Scholars on the list are those globally influential in their research field and make great contributions to this field.

Scopus includes more than 22000 journals and 7 million papers from over 5 thousand publishers, covering natural science, technology, medical science, social science, art & humanities, etc. It also provides tools for tracing, analyzing and visualizing researches. More than 1700 pronounced Chinese scholars are listed from social science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics and other subjects up to 37 in total.

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