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The China’s Climate Change Integrated Assessment Model—C3IAM—went live which was developed by Wei Yiming’s team

The China’s Climate Change Integrated Assessment Model—C3IAM—was upgraded and went live recently, fruit of China’s National Key R&D Program led by Wei Yiming.

  Employing the Web and database technology, the CEEP-BIT team developed the C3IAM system based on the result of the program. The system has been tested, run and upgraded for months, now going online on Integrated National Energy Modeling System, iNEMS (

  Climate change has profoundly affected economic, social, political, and diplomatic fields, posing a major challenge that the world must address in common. The Paris Agreement passed in 2015 further clarified the long-term goal of restraining the global temperature rise to no more than 2 °C before the industrialization, and established the 1.5 °C temperature control target as a long-term effort to address climate change. There are various substantive issues to be addressed to achieve this goal: What is the greenhouse gas emission path at different radiation levels? How and to what extent will climate change impact social economy departments? What is the cost of achieving the 2°C goal? What is the path to achieve a 2°C goal? Focusing on the above scientific issues, CEEP-BIT, together with the National Climate Center, the State Information Center, the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, and Peking University, have jointly tackled such issues and developed the C3IAM. The C3IAM realizes the two-way coupling between the Earth system model of the sea-land-gas-ice-ice multi-layer coupling and the socio-economic system, and assess the impact of climate policy given future possible states of complex dynamic systems. C3IAM includes seven sub-systems: C3IAM /EcOp, C3IAM /GEEPA, C3IAM /MR.CEEPA, C3IAM /BCC_CSM, C3IAM /EcoLa, C3IAM /NET, and C3IAM /Loss. The research results can provide scientific support for countries to both formulate policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change and participate in international climate negotiations.

  The China Climate Change Comprehensive Assessment Model System Platform is based on the application and development of the C3IAM model. It combines Web and database technology to simulate the possible impacts of climate change under different development paths. It is a dynamic visualization modeling tool with wide applicability. The system is completely based on the Internet and is a dynamic, open system. The C3IAM model platform provides flexible data modeling tools, interface configuration tools, query tools and web access interfaces, which unable users to query, analyze and export data. Through the platform, users can establish a functional, stable and reliable data environment. Moreover, users can quantify future socio-economic development and subsequent changes to simulate future average temperature changes for the globe and 12 different regions, assess GDP and consumption losses due to temperature rise and social cost of carbon emission, and provide decision support for countries in global climate governance.

  The C3IAM system is based on the existing iNEMS platform framework and is coupled with system modeling and mathematical simulation tools such as GAMS. The system runs on a centrally independent server with dozens of CPU processing cores and hundreds of Gigabytes of running memory, and is equipped with WEB, WAF firewall and UPS backup power., all of which guarantees the security, speed and 7 * 24 uninterrupted service of the system.

Brief Introduction about iNEMS
  The iNEMS is a decision support system independently developed by CEEP-BIT. It was officially launched at the end of 2013, which can be visited at Based on the web and database technology, iNEMS takes the central scientific research results as the development object and core content, in order to realize the simulation analysis of energy system and economic system, energy system and environmental system, international and domestic energy market, and provide scientific reference for the government to formulate energy climate strategies and policies.
The following energy modeling systems and software platforms are developed for specific scientific issues in energy and environmental policy research:
——Energy & Economic Data Platform (with millions of data in fields of energy economics and environment)
——Energy Technology Foresight Expert Survey System
——China Energy Demand Anticipation System
——Oil Price Forecasting and Risk Management System
——Technology Foresight System
—— C3IAM (new)
——Emission Allowance Generator for Emission Reduction
——China Energy & Environmental Policy Analysis system
——China’s Energy Economy: An Illustrated Guide
——Energy Economics: Big Data and Visualization
