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李祥明(Li Xiangming) 长聘教授,博士生导师 出生年月:1970年2月 办公电话:010-68918087 电子邮件:xmli@bit.edu.cn 办公地点:中心教学楼747 |
2003/07-2005/12, 重庆邮电大学通信工程学院,副教授
2003/01-2003/07 香港城市大学电子与计算机工程系,博士后
2002/01-2003/01 康科迪亚大学电子与计算机工程系,博士后
2000/09-2002/01 安捷伦科技有限公司(北京),软件工程师
1995/09-2000/08 北京邮电大学通信与信息系统专业,博士
1992/07-1995/08 重庆通信设备厂,助理工程师
1988/09-1992/07 重庆邮电大学通信工程专业,学士
1. N. Ye, X. Li, H. Yu, L. Zhao, W. Liu and X. Hou, "DeepNOMA: A Unified Framework for NOMA Using Deep Multi-Task Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 2208-2225, April 2020. (IF: 6.779, 中科院1区 Top, ESI高被引)
2. N. Ye, X. Li, J. Pan, W. Liu and X. Hou, "Beam Aggregation-Based MmWave MIMO-NOMA: An AI-Enhanced Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (IF: 5.379, 中科院2区 Top)
3. X. Li, R. Fan, X. Ma, J. An and T. Jiang, "Secure Space-Time Communications Over Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1491-1504, Feb. 2016.
4. X. Li, T. Jiang, and J. An, “Quasi-regular rate-compatible LDPC codes with a novel diagonal tailed encoding on noisy channels,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 354-366, Nov. 2015.
5. X. Li, T. Jiang. Fountain codes over GF(q). Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1423-1434, Nov. 2013.
6. X. Li, T. Jiang, S. Cui, J. An, and Q. Zhang. Cooperative communications based on rateless network coding in distributed MIMO systems. IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 60-67, June 2010.
7. X. Li, T. Jiang, Q. Zhang, and L. Wang. Binary linear multicast network coding on acyclic networks: principle and applications in wireless communication networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 738-748, June 2009.
8. X. Li, H. Chen, Y. Qian, B. Rong, and M. R. Soleymani. Welch bound analysis on generic code division multiple access codes with interference free windows. IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1603-1607, April 2009.
长期从事信息论与编码理论、多天线无线通信与物理层安全、非正交多址无线接入、信息学习等研究,在信息论及其应用方面有深厚的研究积累。在IEEE Trans. on Communications、IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications、IEEE Wireless Communications、IEEE Communications Letters 等国际期刊发表了40多篇SCI期刊论文,其中ESI高被引论文1篇。在LDPC无比率编码调制方面发表了大量的研究结果,得到国际国内同行的广泛引用;提出的物理层安全编码,在MIMO窃听信道下可以有效提升通信物理层的安全性。
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,面向天地一体化空间智能计算的卫星组网技术: 卫星网络动态按需服务关键技术与系统,2020.11 - 2024.11,221万元,负责人;
2. 国家安全重大基础研究计划课题,XXXX,350万元,2020.11 - 2023.11负责人;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 面向无授权传输的非正交多址接入技术研究, 2018.01 - 2021.12, 62万元, 负责人;
4. 企业横向项目,非正交传输技术研究,2016.07 - 2021.09,125万元,负责人。
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