
bob手机在线登陆助理教授孙子文理论研究成果在《Urban Studies》发表

2021年2月,bob手机在线登陆设计与艺术学院助理教授孙子文以独立作者身份在城市规划一区SSCI期刊《Urban Studies》发表理论研究成果,论文题为“A rhythmanalysis approach to understanding the vending-walking forms and everyday use of urban street space in Yuncheng, China”。该研究受新马克思主义学者亨利·列菲伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)节奏分析启发,通过絮乱节奏(arrhythmia)、谐节节奏(eurhythmia)和多重节奏(polyrhythmia)三种非客观时间维度,探索我国街道空间的日常使用和商贩-步行形式,为理解商贩和步行行为的出现提供了另外一种方式。

《Urban Studies》是城市研究领域国际领军期刊,近五年影响因子3.850,特征因子 (Eigenfactor Score) 0.01225,在全球134本城市研究类SSCI期刊中排名第二。该期刊自1964年以来一直处于城市研究的世界前沿,发表了诸多开创性论文,是城市理论研究学者的首选期刊。这是bob手机在线登陆首次以独立作者单位在《Urban Studies》上发表论文。





In Chinese cities, informal street vendors often appear in a transient space intertwined with a large number of pedestrians and heterogeneity, in contrast with the dichotomous construction of static built environment and dynamic street activity examined in most studies on walkability. This paper explores the rhythm of everyday street spaces and the temporary experiences of pedestrians and street vendors in Yuncheng, China. The author argues that street vendors are particularly well calibrated for capturing city rhythms, and can discern the tempo of social life and pedestrians in urban street spaces. Following Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis approach, and drawing on 86 semi-structured interviews combined with on- site observation in three street spaces, this paper investigates how rhythms are linked to spatial form, time and the everyday street activity of walking and vending. It expands an analytical framework in both daily rhythms and long-standing rhythms, including arrhythmia, eurhythmia and polyrhythmia. The conclusions provide an alternative way of understanding why pedestrians emerge, through considering how street vendors temporarily meet the everyday needs of different pedestrians in specific, real and detailed ways. Such fine-grained narratives, in turn, demonstrate the need to advance theoretical and empirical understandings of multiple rhythms in relation to walkable space and walking forms.


