ࡱ>  lbjbjkp~ <<<<<$```PtT`^^&&&&5^7^7^7^7^7^7^dadb7^9<+++7^<<&&p^. +^<&<&5^ +5^ ASlAW& `T*!^^<^Tjhd6hdTAWhd<YW [t\7^7^M^++++hd : CALL FOR 2 STUDENTSTO PROMOTE EXCHANGES OF MASTERS OR PHD STUDENTS FROM THE BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (BIT) 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Objectives The aim of this activity is to improve the quality of higher education and to reinforce its international dimension, to promote cooperation between partner universities, and to increase student mobility. The main objective is to participate in the financing of academic exchanges of Masters or PhD students from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) throughout their stay at UPC. Eligible candidates Applications are sought from students in engineering masters or PhD programmes ( HYPERLINK "http://www.upc.edu/eng/education/master-and-post-graduate-courses?set_language=en&cl=en" http://www.upc.edu/eng/education/master-and-post-graduate-courses?set_language=en&cl=en ). Successful applicants will remain at UPC for one semester during the academic year 2010-2011. The total length of their stay is meant to be of 6 months. Although the stay could be extended, the total amount of the grant will be the same: 5.000 . Selected students will work on: Their final degree project (master s thesis) Part of the research for their PhD thesis. This call for applications is for Beijing Institute of Technology students only (see the list of requirements below). Applicants must meet the following requirements: Be regular students at BIT Have Chinese nationality Be enrolled in a masters or PhD programme at BIT Live in China Have BIT as their home university The following applicants are excluded from this call: BIT graduates who are now working (i.e. applicants who have already finished their studies) Number of grants: 2 (two) Scholarships of 5,000 euros will be awarded. Payment of the scholarship The grant will be paid to beneficiaries in monthly instalments on their arrival in Barcelona (at UPC). The first payment will be done in the first 15 days after their arrival at the reception office (OMI). The amount of this first payment will be higher, in order to help the students to face the accommodation and instalment costs. The rest of the payments will be done by bank transfer in the Spanish bank account that the beneficiaries will open at their arrival. Application Applicants must: Fill in the application form Provide and attach to this form the following documents in English: A photograph. A curriculum vitae. A motivation letter, in which the applicants explain their reasons for wishing to study at UPC. Certified copies of academic transcripts of the studies that they are undertaking at Beijing Institute of Technology. Letters of recommendation from lecturers of Beijing Institute of Technology. English degrees held and/or English exams passed (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc). A certificate stating the students English language level must be provided. A draft working plan at UPC. This should include the subject area and subjects of interest (list more than one) for the possible final project (thesis) or research. (optional) Any Spanish language degrees they hold and/or Spanish language examinations they have passed. The application form with all corresponding documents must be sent to the International Relations office of their home university (Beijing Institute of Technology). Application deadline and calendar Applications should be sent to the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), which will carry out a pre-selection of candidates. Subsequently, BIT will send the candidates applications with all the required documents to UPC. All documents must arrive by e-mail before 10th June 2010. Finally, once the UPC host department has confirmed admission, the names of the selected candidates will be announced (July 2010). Selection of candidates Applicants must send their application forms with all corresponding documents to the International Relations office of their home university before the indicated deadline. The home university will carry out a pre-selection of candidates based on their CVs, academic merits, motivation, recommendation letters and language skills (English). All the documents of the preselected students should then be sent to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:asianstudentscall@upc.edu" asianstudentscall@upc.edu In June/July 2010, as a part of the selection process and depending on the number of applications received, candidates could be interviewed by representatives of UPC. Finally, their admission will be confirmed before 15th July 2010. Conditions of the stay at UPC Spain BIT students at UPC will be considered exchange students. Students will pay their registration fees at their home university and will pay no registration fees at UPC. Exchange students and visiting students may choose anyone of the areas offered by UPC depending on (in relation with) the courses they are taking in Beijing Institute of Technology. They will have the status of full-time students but will have no academic effect on the host institution. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will their stay at UPC lead them to obtain an official degree or diploma from UPC. Any academic credits earned by the student at UPC may be transferred to the home institution, in accordance with the procedures set out by the home institution. The stay of the exchange student at UPC will be academically recognised in the home institution. Obligations of the beneficiaries Beneficiaries of this grant are obliged to: Contract the corresponding insurance before they travel to Spain (please check the specific conditions required by the Spanish consulate). Pursue their studies at UPC for the whole period of 6 months for which they had applied. Follow the laws, rules and regulations of UPC and other regional/national laws during their stay. If either of these obligations is violated, the student must immediately refund all or part of the grant. Further information E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:asianstudentscall@upc.edu" asianstudentscall@upc.edu APPLICATION FORM STUDENT MASTERS OR PHD EXCHANGE GRANTS 2009-2010 ACADEMIC YEAR Personal details Name: Surname: Passport number: Phone number: E-mail: Date of birth (day/month/year): Sex (Mr. or Ms.): Nationality: Complete address (street, number, floor, postcode, city and country): Academic details Type of student: Master Doctorate Home university: Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) Department: Name of the programme you are studying: Details of your intended academic stay at UPC Title of the topic of your intended research stay: Type of stay: Masters thesis Research for my Doctorate More information about UPC and courses is available on the website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.upc.edu" www.upc.edu Duration of the stay (dates between 01/09/2010 and 31/07/2011, and minimum of 6 months): First semester (autumn semester): From 01/09/2010 to 28/02/2011 Second semester (spring semester): From 01/02/2011 to 31/07/2011 Student declaration: ( I hereby confirm that the information I have provided in this application is true and accurate. Any errors or omissions may lead to the withdrawal of the grant. Signature: Date and place: Checklist of documents to be provided attached with this application form: A photograph. A curriculum vitae. A motivation letter, in which the applicants explain their reasons for wishing to study at UPC. Certified copies of academic transcripts of the studies that they are undertaking at Beijing Institute of Technology. Letters of recommendation from lecturers of Beijing Institute of Technology. English degrees held and/or English exams passed (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc). A certificate stating the students English language level must be provided. A draft working plan at UPC. This should include the subject area and subjects of interest (list more than one) for the possible final project (thesis) or research. (optional) Any Spanish language degrees they hold and/or Spanish   !"./578?FGHINRTYZwx½}umhc^cVQ hn5h{{hTD5 hk5 hX5 hG35h{{hLg5h{{h$5 hj5>*h{{hA5>*h{{h5>*h{{hLg5>*h{{h 5>* h5>*hjhj5>* hL)5h{{hA5h{{hlGC5h{{hON5 h<5h{{h`55h{{hVR5h{{he5h{{hZ5"Ij  4 H I $\^\a$gdt7h^hgdt7$h7$8$H$^ha$gd $h7$8$H$^ha$gdyY $h^ha$gd $ & Fa$gd $a$gd $a$gd      0 8 G K N U V W ^ g j n ·ui`hj5CJaJh{{h25CJaJh{{h2CJaJh{{hlGCCJaJh{{hL\CJaJh{{h=QCJaJh{{h CJaJh{{hZCJaJh{{hLgCJaJhjCJaJh{{hZ5>*CJaJh{{heCJaJ h{{hZh{{hZ5h{{h$5 h}5!      4 ɻxphphxh]U]J<h{{hN"5>*CJaJh{{hZCJaJh}CJaJh{{h+CJaJhkCJaJh>XCJaJhXCJaJh{{h"ECJaJh{{hL\CJaJhjhL\CJaJh{{hL\5CJaJh{{hL\5>*CJaJh{{he5>*CJaJh{{h@5>*CJaJh{{h"E5>*CJaJh{{h 5>*CJaJh{{h5CJaJ4 ] ^ i j o q r t u y C D E G H I d k r v w ĹwlaVlVhC]hZ,CJaJhC]h CJaJhC]hCJaJhC]his CJaJhhB0JCJaJh83hBCJaJhBCJaJjhBCJUaJh{{ht7CJaJh{{h=eCJaJh{{h}CJaJh{{h"ECJaJh{{hyYCJaJhWZTCJaJh}CJaJh{{hN"CJaJw z R X p r ~ ɾɳɨɾzzzeZOh{{h CJaJh{{h 9 CJaJ)h83ht7B*CJOJQJ^JaJphht7B*CJaJphh83ht7B*CJaJphhCJaJhC]ht7CJaJhC]hjCJaJhC]hfBCJaJhC]hCJaJhC]hyCJaJhC]hC]CJaJhC]hSCJaJhC]h CJaJhC]h>:CJaJ    t v   ./012=tit^^h{{h,HCJaJh{{h_xCJaJh{{hEo5CJaJh{{hk5CJaJhR5CJaJh{{hmCJaJh{{hcHCJaJh{{hEoCJaJh{{h!CJaJh{{h`cCJaJh}CJaJh{{h CJaJh{{h 9 CJaJh{{h CJaJh{{h=CJaJ  t v 12c~1 $ & Fa$gd $ & F a$gdsc $h^ha$gdsc $ & F a$gd k $ & F a$gd/7 $h^ha$gdv$h7$8$H$^ha$gdEo $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gd =BFbcfmuvwz}~/1245̹̞̀uiuahZ-CJaJh{{hsc5CJaJh{{hscCJaJh{{h kCJaJh{{hkCJaJhUkCJaJh{{hA_~CJaJhRCJaJhXCJaJhjCJaJh{{h=QCJaJh{{h/7CJaJh{{hvCJaJh{{h,HCJaJh}CJaJh{{h!CJaJ&5GTXYhø|tl^Ph{{huR5>*CJaJh{{hT5>*CJaJhWZTCJaJh{{CJaJh{{hyYCJaJh{{h!KWCJaJh{{haCJaJh!GCJaJh{{h%CJaJh)n CJaJh{{hZCJaJh{{hZ5>*CJaJh{{h 5>*CJaJh{{h,HCJaJh{{hscCJaJh{{h-dCJaJIWkA'56 $ & Fa$gdm@ $ & Fa$gd<` $ & Fa$gdZ}Q $ & Fa$gd $ & Fa$gd h^hgdJ $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gd  256<GPQRUY[\{ʾvk]ODh{{h1CJaJh{{ha5>*CJaJh{{huR5>*CJaJh{{ha@CJaJh{{hJCJaJhlJCJaJhlJhlJCJaJhlJ5CJaJh{{ha5CJaJh{{h"z5CJaJh}5CJaJh{{h-d5CJaJhn5CJaJhWZTh\5CJaJh{{h\CJaJh{{h"zCJaJh{{hL} CJaJ<@GIJPVWZijkn ?@Z[imȽynfhkCJaJh{{h XCJaJh{{hv CJaJhXCJaJh{{h@gCJaJh{{hj4CJaJh{{hq/CJaJh}CJaJhTgCJaJh{{h:CJaJh{{h=QCJaJhhQ5CJaJh{{hQCJaJh{{hTCJaJh{{h/v>CJaJ' $%&'+/;?BCD\zoodYh{{haCJaJh{{h<`CJaJh{{h$JCJaJhCJaJh{{h9vCJaJh{{h<`CJaJh{{hZ}QCJaJhTgCJaJh{{h XCJaJh{{hm@CJaJh{{h~VCJaJh}CJaJh{{hv CJaJh{{h^CJaJh{{hCJaJh{{h2 CJaJ  !#-3456EJdlqyĹڂwlwaaVKh{{hTgCJaJh{{hCJaJh{{hCJaJh{{hTCJaJh{{hj4CJaJh{{h.CJaJhC]h!CJaJhC]h$JCJaJhC]hCJaJhC]hTgCJaJhC]hZ}QCJaJhC]h%CJaJhC]hAACJaJh{{h%CJaJh{{h$JCJaJhTgCJaJhlJCJaJ  !@BEFHNS^op{̾vkccvv[vvv[h8vwCJaJhkCJaJhkhkCJaJh{{hCJaJh}CJaJh{{hP)CJaJh{{huR5>*CJaJh{{h$I5>*CJaJh{{h)5>*CJaJh{{hVR5>*CJaJh{{hlWCJaJhXCJaJh{{h*CJaJh[_zCJaJhUPCJaJhlJCJaJhlJhlJCJH*aJh6CJaJhpCJaJh{{hpCJaJht7CJaJh{{h%gCJaJh{{hCJaJh{{hP)CJaJ&QR Fߪ}o^M^M^?hpCJOJQJ^JaJ hC]htCJOJQJ^JaJ hC]hpCJOJQJ^JaJhtCJOJQJ^JaJhlJCJOJQJ^JaJh6CJOJQJ^JaJ h83hpCJOJQJ^JaJhb*CJaJh{{hy 5>*CJaJhlJCJOJQJ^JaJh[_zCJOJQJ^JaJ#h6h6CJH*OJQJ^JaJh6CJOJQJ^JaJhpCJOJQJ^JaJ h{{hpCJOJQJ^JaJ<=J >ABFGbfyᤕᤕᤕᤉzk\\h{{heB*CJaJphh{{h (B*CJaJphh{{hja^B*CJaJphh{{B*CJaJphh{{hjB*CJaJphhjB*CJaJphhXCJaJhC]CJaJhC]hK}CJaJhC]hi#CJaJhC]h CJaJh{{h B*CJaJphh{{hTgB*CJaJph$Xy3^L$ & FEƀh-a$gdja^ $ & Fa$gdja^ $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gd $ & Fa$gd $ & Fd7$8$H$a$gd $$ & Fd7$8$H$a$gd9 232>afyٹwlaVlVHh{{ha5>*CJaJh{{hTCJaJh{{hCJaJh{{hQCJaJh{{h(CJaJh{{hjCJaJh{{hI-CJaJh{{hv CJaJh{{hja^CJaJh{{h~ <CJaJh^eCJaJhCJaJhG,CJaJhaCJaJh{{haCJaJh{{huR5>*CJaJh{{h 5>*CJaJyM N O P Q R S T U V h $h^ha$gdj $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gd L$ & FEƀh-a$gd (  / 0 1 J K L M N U V W h p  οέΊxqiaYaiQIaAh{{hj5h{{h)5h{{h?M5hh5h{{hA5h{{h`!5 h{{hg h{{hofh{{hg1CJaJh{{hofCJaJh{{h$ CJaJh{{hlW0JCJaJ#jh{{h[CJUaJjh{{hlWCJUaJh{{hlWCJaJh{{h-dCJaJh{{huR5>*CJaJh{{h-d5>*CJaJ !!!!!!#!A!C!D!h!l!u!v!x!y!!!!!!!!!!ɾɾ|q|qfhRqLhQ53CJaJhRqLh1RCJaJhRqLhCJaJhRqLh3RCJaJhRqLh>CJaJhRqLh$CJaJhRqLhACJaJhRqLhb}CJaJhRqLhSCJaJhRqLhS5CJaJh{{hBf35h{{h`!5h{{h)5 hj5h{{hj5 hfB5' !$!1!w!x!y!!!!!!!!"h^hgdQ53 $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gdj$h&dP^ha$gdRqL!!!!!!!""""""H"I""""""""###(#)#+#,#ננ~o]oPohRqLhu0JCJaJ#jfhRqLhCJUaJjhRqLhuCJUaJhRqLhCJaJhRqLhuCJaJhRqLh)5CJaJhRqLhCJaJhRqLh)CJaJhRqLh5CJaJhRqLhACJaJhRqLh-!CJaJhRqLhSCJaJhRqLh'CJaJhRqLhkCJaJhXCJaJ""H"|"}""""""+#,###$$$$$-$h$d%d&d'dNOPQ^ha$gdRqL $ & Fa$gdu8 $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gd $h^ha$gdj,#P#Z#c#d#h#i######$$$$$$$&$'$($*$8$U$ɾpbTFbhRqLhA5CJ\aJhRqLhG5CJ\aJhRqLh{5CJ\aJ jhRqLh`!5CJ\aJhRqLh$M5CJ\aJhRqLhvCJaJhRqLhS5CJaJhRqLh5CJaJhRqLh&5CJaJhRqLhCJaJhRqLh'CJaJhRqLh+V4CJaJhRqLhYXCJaJhRqLhu8CJaJhRqLhCJaJU$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$5% &+&-&L&Y&x&Ⱥ䡕}qbWOWGWOhrCJaJhXCJaJhRqLhCJaJhRqLhCJaJmH sH h+FcCJaJmH sH hRqLhP5CJaJhRqLh55CJaJhRqLh`!5CJaJhRqLh`!CJaJhRqLh?M5CJ\aJhRqLh55CJ\aJhRqLh5CJ\aJhRqLh{5CJ\aJhRqLhv5CJ\aJhRqLh r]5CJ\aJ$$$$$$$$$5%C%W%%-&z&''(l)ll$a$gd+Fc$a$gdRqL $ & Fa$gd $h^ha$gdt7-$h$d%d&d'dNOPQ^ha$gdRqLx&''''l l(l8l9lglhlillllllllllllllɸɤɊ~~~~h>jh>Uh+Fch5CJaJhRqLhRqL0J5CJaJ&jhRqLhRqL5CJUaJ jhRqLhRqL5CJUaJhRqLhRqL5CJaJUhXhi#B*CJaJphhXhB*CJaJphhRqLhCJaJlanguage examinations they have passed. 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