

Cooperation Signing Ceremony and New Book Release Conference of the English Edition of "Space Science and Technology Research Series" of Space: Science and Technology held in BIT

  In order to deepen BIT’s international exchanges and cooperation, enhance the international influence, and accelerate the “double first-class” construction, on October 26, Cooperation Signing Ceremony and New Book Release Conference of the English Edition of "Space Science and Technology Research Series" of Space: Science and Technology was held in BIT.

  Academician Zhang Jun, President of Beijing Institute of Technology, Academician Ye Peijian, Technical Advisor of China Academy of Space Technology, Zhang Hongtai, Dean of China Academy of Space Technology, Ge Yujun, Vice Dean of China Academy of Space Technology, Yang Yazheng, Assistant to President of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Feng Zhengying, director of Industry Management Office of China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team as well as other guests attended the activity. Representatives of the journal editors present at the event include Deng Yulin, deputy dean of the Institute of Engineering Medicine of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Yang Hong, chief designer of China's Manned Space Engineering Space Station system, and chief engineer of the overall design department of China Academy of Space Technology. The authors of the English version of the series include Xie Jun, deputy chief designer of China's Beidou-3 project, chief engineer of the Communications and Navigation Satellite Department of China Academy of Space Technology, chief designer of Chang'e-4 probe, and Sun Zezhou, chief designer of Overall Design Department of China Academy of Space Technology and so on. The meeting was chaired by Cong Lei, President of Beijing Institute of Technology Press.

  Yang Yazheng delivered a welcome speech, congratulated Beijing Institute of Technology and China Academy of Space Technology on the signing of the agreement to jointly host English international journals and the release of the new English edition of the "Space Science and Technology Research Series", and he also stated that the establishment of the English international journal is another important measure for BIT to build "double first-class" disciplines, to internationalize schooling, and to internationalize academic achievements.

  The executive editor of the journal, Professor Deng Yulin, stated that aerospace science and technology leads the world in scientific and technological development, and the Space journal focuses on the frontiers of international space science, technology and applications. In this context, he will lead the editorial board and journal editorial department to do their best to provide publishing services for authors and readers in the world aerospace academia. Researcher Zou Yongliao, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal, and chief editors Yang Hong, Gong Zizheng, etc. all stated that they will do a good job in the editorial board work, strictly abide by the duties of the editorial board, and spare no effort to contribute to the establishment of the Space journal.

  Zhang Hongtai said that world-class aerospace companies should have world-class journals; and world-class universities should also have world-class journals. The Space journal belongs not only to the China Academy of Space Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology, but also to the global aerospace academic community. China Academy of Space Technology will work hard to cooperate with Beijing Institute of Technology to create a world-class scientific journal in the aerospace field. At the same time, he hopes that with this opportunity, Beijing Institute of Technology and China Academy of Space Technology will continue to strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and academic exchanges, so as to contribute more wisdom and strength to the early establishment of an aerospace power and a technological power.

  Academician Zhang Jun said that the construction of the international journal matrix group and the internationalization of publication are important measures in the new era of BIT’s “double first-class” construction. It is the concentrated reflection of five functions of BIT’s talent training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchanges and cooperation. He mentioned that Space journal should achieve "three first-class" in the construction: The first is to position itself as a first-class journal. Take this signing as an opportunity to further promote the construction of journals and the internationalization of academic publishing, and establish a world-class journal; The second is first-class service. Through the establishment of a strategic partnership with the China Academy of Space Technology, we will further serve major strategic needs and national frontier needs, and inherit the "red gene" of Beijing Institute of Technology's determination to become a strong country; The third is academic first-class. Under the joint promotion of experts and scholars represented by Academician Ye Peijian, we will continue to improve the academic level of journals, adhere to academic supremacy, play a leading role in the industry, and contribute academic wisdom to the development of the world's aerospace industry.

  Academician Ye Peijian said that in the process of turning China from a space giant to a space power, more attention should be paid to the promotion of international voice. The Space journal provides a platform for domestic scholars and international colleagues to communicate. Chinese astronauts share the new discoveries and innovative achievements of China's aerospace science with an open mind. The author team of the series involve scientists in many fields of China's aerospace. The contents are rich in Chinese characteristics and the level shows China's strength. We scientists, should publish more high-level books to continuously provide strong support for the development of global aerospace technology, and contribute more Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese power to the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

  Academician Zhang Jun awarded the letter of appointment to the journal's editor-in-chief academician Ye Peijian and executive editor-in-chief Professor Deng Yulin.

  Academician Ye Peijian and Professor Deng Yulin issued letters of appointment to representatives of the editorial board. He Yang and Cong Lei signed the journal cooperation agreement on behalf of China Academy of Space Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology respectively. Academician Ye Peijian, Ge Yujun, and Cong Lei jointly unveiled the new book.

  Beijing Institute of Technology Press and Beijing Institute of Space Science and Technology Information will set up a joint management committee to establish a good working mechanism to jointly complete periodical goal management, publicity management, and operation management, with international journals and international book publishing as the link, to give full play to the leading and exemplary role of academic journals and fine academic works, and to continue to contribute to the promotion of China's science and technology's global influence, China's "Science and Technology Going Out" and "Cultural Going Out".
