

2022 1st BIT-U of T International Symposium On Engineering And Applied Science was held

News resource & Photographer: Office of International Affairs

Editor: News Agency of BIT

Translator: Xiang Tong, News Agency of BIT


Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT), May 30th, 2022: On May 26th, the 2022 Beijing Institute of Technology-University of Toronto First International Symposium was held online. Wang Bo, Vice President of BIT, and Professor Aaron Wheeler, Canadian Chief Scientist of the U of T, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Nine leading scholars and young professors at home and abroad, including Professor Wang Yeliang from BIT, Professor Xie Huikai, Professor Aaron Wheeler from the U of T and Academician Nazir Kherani, attended the meeting and gave wonderful academic reports. This conference was hosted by the Office of International Affairs, and organized by the School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, the School of Mechatronical Engineering, the School of Optics and Photonics, the School of Medical Technology, and the Advanced Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems.

Wang Bo said that in the face of global challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change, mankind need strengthen scientific and technological openness and cooperation more than ever before. He hoped that this symposium would increase the exchanges between scholars from the two universities, broaden the horizons of young scholars, promote mutual exchanges and cooperation between the two universities, and create conditions for future scientific research cooperation in the fields of applied science and engineering. Professor Aaron Wheeler said that BIT is a well-known Chinese university specializing in science and engineering. He was very happy to see many U of T alumni working and teaching at BIT and sincerely looked forward to the multi-faceted cooperation between the U of T and BIT in the future.

This symposium was jointly organized by BIT and the U of T, focusing on natural science and cutting-edge engineering technology. The participants were outstanding scholars from the two universities, majoring in electromechanical, optoelectronics, machinery, materials, electronic information, automation, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, life, management, physics and other fields. The professional fields were wide and the cross range is large. The seminar was held into three days including May 26, June 2 and June 9. The themes were "Microsystems and Micro-Nano Engineering", "Advanced Manufacturing and Measurement Technology" and "Intelligent Sensing and Operation Technology" respectively. During the meeting, scholars from the two universities actively shared the cutting-edge technologies and latest achievements in their respective research fields, bringing a wonderful academic feast to the teachers and students of the two universities.
