

"Crossing Borders"! The 2022 SoTL-China International Conference held at BIT

On the morning of August 20,

the "2022 SoTL-China International Conference"

was started at Beijing Institute of Technology.


With the theme of "Teaching and Academic Crossing the Boundary", this conference guides teachers to cross the teaching boundary,

improve the teaching and academic level,

promote the generation and development of new ideas, new viewpoints and new methods in education and teaching,

cultivate socialist builders and successors.


On the morning of August 20, the 2022 SoTL-China International Conference, hosted by Beijing Institute of Technology and co-organized by the International Society for Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), was held at Beijing Institute of Technology. The conference invited many well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to conduct academic exchanges on topics such as "interdisciplinary teaching academics and teaching innovation" and "multi-subject participation in teaching academics and teaching community".

Ren Youqun, Director of the Department of Teacher Work of the Ministry of Education, Long Teng, President of Beijing Institute of Technology and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Zhong Binglin, former President of Beijing Normal University and member of the National Education Advisory Committee, Han Jun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education Press, Nancy Chick, the former president of the International Society for Teaching and Learning, Peter Felten, the former president of ISSOTL, Chen Xiangming and Wang Qiong, professors of the School of Education of Peking University, and many other guests attended the opening ceremony of the conference. The opening ceremony was presided over by Bao Liying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology.


Long Teng delivered a speech on behalf of BIT. He pointed out that "teaching academics" is a key element in improving the quality of higher education. To do a good job in "teaching and academics", we must adhere to "system thinking" and promote the cross-domain integration of the whole process to cultivate talents. Integrate Moral Education into all links and the whole process of education and teaching, do a good job of interdisciplinary and inter-professional system design, and conduct cross-level, cross-organizational, and cross-link thinking. It is necessary to adhere to "collaboration and sharing" to improve the level of teaching and academic governance. Adhere to student-centered, strengthen supply-side reform, strengthen team support, policy guarantees, environmental education, deepen all-round and full-chain governance, and actively create a first-class education ecology. It is necessary to adhere to "intelligent integration" and promote the upgrading of knowledge empowered by smart education. Explore a smart education system with the concept of "wisdom, interconnection, and integration", promote the reconstruction and iteration of knowledge, technology, space, and time, form a new teaching ecological environment, and lead the innovation of teaching and academic models.

Long Teng said that since its establishment 82 years ago, Beijing Institute of Technology has always adhered to serving the national strategy, transporting "leading talents in the fields of national economy and national defense", and practicing academic teaching concepts in thinking and practice. The 2022 SoTL-China International Conference is an important event for Beijing Institute of Technology to strengthen international exchanges and collaborative innovation. It is also an effective way to promote the rapid development of teaching in China. It will effectively help the reform of education and teaching models and contribute new and greater strength to improving the quality of talent training!


Prof. Raj Chaudhury delivered a speech on behalf of ISSOTL. He said that the theme of this conference is also a topic that ISSOTL has always been concerned about. To promote the internationalization of teaching and academics can better promote the free exchange of scholars with different languages. Acknowledging and encouraging diversity, inclusion, and equality in teaching and learning is what teaching and learning itself should be about.


Ren Youqun made a report on the conference entitledDeepening the Reform of Classified Evaluation of Teachers in the New Era and Stimulating the Innovative Vitality of Teachers. He shared from four aspects: the Party and the state attach great importance to the construction of the teaching staff in colleges and universities, the historic achievements made in the construction of the teaching staff, the profound understanding of the important mission of deepening the reform of education evaluation, and the reform of the classification and evaluation of teachers in colleges and universities.

He emphasized that it is necessary to implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference and deepen the reform of teacher assessment and evaluation. The reform should establish an evaluation system with clear guidance and suitable for itself, highlight the main body and clarify the responsibility, build a multidimensional evaluation system reform, pay attention to the evaluation of talents based on ability, actual performance and contribution, strengthen the scientificity of the evaluation system reform, and do a good job in the assessment of the evaluation effect. At the same time, the reform should encourage the cultivation of engineering masters and doctors, closely follow the national needs and industrial reality, and serve economic and social development and industrial transformation and upgrading.


Zhong Binglin made a report on the conference entitledDeveloping Teaching Academics and Cultivating Innovative Talents. He pointed out that China's higher education has entered the stage of popularization development, improving the quality, optimizing the structure, realizing the connotative development, and building a high-quality higher education system are the tasks of the era for the reform and development of higher education. The development of teaching academics is an important basis for promoting the career development of college teachers and realizing the core function of talent training.

Afterwards, Han Jun, Xue Zhenghui, Director of Department of Undergraduate Academic Affairs of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Bie Dunrong, Director of the Institute of Education of Xiamen University, made reports to the conference successively.


The three-day conference has received a total of 125 papers, invited 11 domestic and foreign guests to make conference reports, and set up 6 special workshops and 10 sub-forums.

The opening ceremony and the conference report were broadcast live in Chinese and English through various platforms such as Yanhe Classroom of Beijing Institute of Technology, China Higher Education Training Center, and other platforms.

Teaching scholarship is an important development trend for the improvement of the quality of global higher education.

The prosperity of teaching and academics is of great significance to building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

Comprehensively promoting teaching and academic practice will contribute new and greater power to improve the quality of talent training!
