

China's Shenzhou-14 spaceship has successfully docked Tianhe, the core module of the country’s space station! BIT is moving with China!

On June 5 at 17:42 pm, China's Shenzhou-14 crewed spaceship successfully completed a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the combination of the Tianhe module, the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft and the Tianzhou-4 cargo craft after independent orbit changes.

Thanks to BIT's microwave radar signal processing technology, the construction of Chinese space station will usher in a new stage as the Chinese spacecrafts come together to complete their "kiss".


The Long March-2F rocket, carrying the Shenzhou-14 spacecraft, blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 10:44 am on Sunday morning. The three crew members — Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe — are being sent to the Tiangong space station. They are in good shape and the launch is a complete success.


The launch of the Shenzhou-14 spaceship is the second space mission and the first manned space mission in the construction phase of China's space station. The crew will stay in orbit for six months.


It is worth mentioning that on December 21, 2014, the crew member — astronaut Liu Yang came to Beijing Institute of Technology to participate in the activity of "Campus Tour· Aerospace Dream - Dialogue with Chinese Astronauts", and conducted face-to-face academic exchanges with teachers and students in BIT.

Moment of Glory — the Contributions of BIT!

In the journey of exploring the vast universe, generations of BITers have made outstanding contributions.

Precise “kiss” — Space Docking


rendezvous and docking technology

The complete success of the rendezvous and docking aroused people’s curiosity. They wonder how the Shenzhou-14 spaceship accurately targeted the Tianhe core module in the vast universe and successfully dock it? The capacity of Automatic Parking of Shenzhou-14 spaceship will answer to it!


Thanks to the rendezvous and docking microwave radar signal processor and microwave transponder signal processor developed by BIT, the Shenzhou-14 spaceship obtains relative positioning measurement information and then realizes docking with Tianhe core module through independent and rapid rendezvous and docking.


For a long time, aiming at the major strategic needs of the country, Beijing Institute of Technology has been devoting itself to scientific research and tackling key problems assiduously to promote the development of China's space industry. The microwave radar signal processor and microwave transponder signal processor developed by the BIT Aerospace Electronics Technology Research Team have been used in the space rendezvous and docking of Shenzhou 8 to S henzhou-8 to Shenzhou-13, Tianzhou-1, Tianzhou-2 and the space lab/space station, as well as the lunar surface sampling and return mission of Chang 'e-5.

High-definition Image Is Available

Being the launch a complete success, the new "space travel trio" set out. During its high-speed operation, the rocket sent back high-definition images, from which we can see clearly the three astronauts, the tail flame of rocket, the earth, the separation...... which were supported by the efficient video coding technology developed by Beijing Institute of Technology.


Since it was first applied to the Long March rocket in 2005, the technology has been continuously innovated and upgraded, so as to provide technical support and services for the launch of Shenzhou series of spacecraft, and sent precious images of rocket flight back to the ground in real time.

Immersion Virtual Reality Makes the Trio Feel at Home


full immersion virtual reality psychological relief system software

How to live a life in a space business trip? The full immersion virtual reality psychological relief system software developed by Beijing Institute of Technology will provide psychological support, pressure relief and life adjustment for astronauts.


analog cinema in system software

This technology has played an important role in the space life of the Shenzhou 13 flight crew. The system software enables astronauts to enjoy beautiful pictures or watch movies for leisure, adding some relaxation and pleasure to the hectic space life.

Space Dream chaser

BITers have been making contributions to every space trip as they work tirelessly and dedicatedly on the frontline.

Xie Guangxuan


Academician Xie Guangxuan (above right), distinguished alumnus and chief designer of "Long March-3" carrier rocket.

Huang Chunping


Alumni of the School of Mechatronical Engineering from class 1964, commander of Shenzhou-5 rocket system, China's first manned spacecraft, commander of the Long March-2F rocket.

Xu Kejun


Alumni of the School of Automation form the class of 1967, chief designer of China manned Space Launch site, former deputy chief engineer of China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

He Yu


Alumni of the School of Mechatronical Engineering form the Phd class of 1967, the current manned spacecraft system commander.

Jing Zheng


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 2000, the current deputy commander in chief of space station systems.

Zhu Guangchen


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 1995, the current deputy commander in chief of space station systems.

Wang Guangyi


Alumni of the School of Automation form the class of 1995, deputy director of China’s Launch Department of Wenchang Space Launch Site, and commander of Long March-7 and Long March 5.

Zheng Wei


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the undergraduate class of 1995 and postgraduate class of 2000, current Shenzhou manned spacecraft product assurance manager (deputy chief engineer).

Mou Yu


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 2000, director of the Department of Integrative System Design.

Li Meng


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 2000, general supervisor and designer of manned spacecraft system in the Fifth Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

Li Xuedong


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the Phd class of 2010, the current chief designer of space station systems.

Huang Kewu


Alumni of the School of Information and Electronics form the Phd class of 2011, the current deputy director of the General Office of Manned Lunar Exploration, General Department of the Fifth Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Zhang Qiao


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 2012, the current deputy chief designer of space station system and chief designer of Wentian lab capsule.

Zhang Tianxiang


Alumni of the School of Life Science form the postgraduate class of 2010, the current deputy chief designer of instrument and lighting sub-system of space station.

Le Tian


Alumni of the School of Aerospace Engineering form the class of 2012, the current chief mission scheduler of space station in Beijing Aerospace Control Center


As China is making extraordinary headways in space explorations, the talent of BIT truly shines. Generations of BITers have been devoting themselves to inheriting the red gene, taking root in China, and securing new achievements and breakthroughs in space science and technology.

To all the students who are preparing for the College Entrance Examination, we extend the warmest regards and welcome to Beijing Institute of Technology, to realize your space dream.
