

Awesome! BIT took the lead in proposing the "China solution" to help the "zero carbon" winter Olympics!

On January 24, 2022, when presiding over the 36th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized that it is necessary to pay close attention to tackling key problems in green and low-carbon technologies, and accelerating the research and development, promotion and application of advanced and applicable technologies.It is necessary to establish and improve the evaluation and trading system of green and low-carbon technologies, and accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements. It is necessary to innovate the talent training model and encourage institutions of higher learning to speed up the construction of related disciplines.

On January 25,

CCTV's " Live News" and Xinhua News Agency

reported on the project achievements of team of the

Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, BIT.

How to achieve "low carbon" in holding such events?

How to answer the question ofwhere the carbon emissions in the Winter Olympics venues come from? how much? what to do?

How to make the carbon emission reduction contribution of the Beijing Winter Olympics evidence-based and quantifiable?


Facing the heavy consideration of realizing the "green" Winter Olympics

The team led by Professor Wei Yiming from BIT

and 8 institutes including the National Speed Skating Oval and Tsinghua University developed key technologies for

low-carbon Winter Olympics monitoring and carbon neutrality regulation, and proposedthe path and plan for the realization of carbon neutrality in the Winter Olympics

Follow BIT official Wechat account to understand the mystery

"Three Core Questions" on Carbon Emissions of Winter Olympic Venues

BIT gives the answer

Where do the carbon emissions in the Winter Olympics venues come from?

How much carbon emissions are there?

How to neutralize carbon emissions?

Focusing on "three core questions" on carbon emissions in Winter Olympic venues

The project team undertook one of the key projects of the National Key Research and Development Program for the Winter Olympics in Science and Technology,

“Key Technologies and Demonstration Applications for Low-Carbon Winter Olympics Monitoring and Carbon Neutrality Regulation”,empowering green Olympics

Debugging equipment, measuring data, checking batteries...

On the afternoon of January 18, under a 7-meter-long big screen

in the National Speed Skating Oval

Scientific researchers from several universities are very busy

After three or four hours of work, the big screen is lit

The carbon emissions and emission reduction contribution of the National Speed Skating Oval are presented on the screen

The internal large screen in the National Speed Skating Oval displaying the Winter Olympics carbon measurement platform

Afterwards, the expert team rushed to theWater Cubeto continue debugging.

Real-time monitoring and visualization of a series of data

such as water consumption, electricity consumption, heat consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions have been successfully achieved

Carbon Emission Water Cube " measurement, calculation, control and plan " Platform for Beijing Winter Olympics

How to "measure"?

The team installed intelligent monitoring equipment at dozens of points in the stadium stand area, energy-consuming equipment,

audience entrance, etc., to collect real-time human-machine-physical environment data such as people flow, electricity, stadium temperature and humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration.

This is the"measurement"

How to "calculate"?

The data is sent back to the Winter Olympics carbon measurement platform

Which will automatically calculate direct and indirect carbon emissions in each area of the venue

This is"calculation"

The project team is also responsible for measuring the

emission reductions of various low-carbon technologies in the Beijing Winter Olympics and the overall carbon emissions of the event

Winter Olympics carbon measurement platform calculating different emissions for different venues

How to "control" and "plan"?

According to the actual calculation of carbon emissions

The scientific research team will give

carbon neutrality regulation solutions

under different scenarios

For example, carbon emission donations of Olympic-related enterprises, forestry carbon sinks, low-carbon transportation, etc.

The ultimate goal is to ensure the Beijing Winter Olympics are carbon neutral

Winter Olympics carbon measurement platform

can detect abnormal energy consumption

Remind staff to go to check

This is the original intention of"control" and "plan"

BIT Winter Olympics Carbon Measurement Platform

The"measurement, calculation, control and plan" technical systemdeveloped by the team integrates the monitoring, accounting, evaluation and control functions of carbon emission related data of large-scale events.

The developedWinter Olympics carbon detectorprovides

key technical support and carbon neutral control solutions for

the intelligent low-carbon management of the Beijing Winter Olympics

In order to better implement the concept of green Olympic Games

The project team also created a"zero carbon cabin"

Which is mainly used for ticketing and emergency services of the National Speed Skating Oval

The "Zero carbon cabin" is environmentally friendly, self-sufficient in electricity

On the west side of the National Speed Skating Oval

The team built a cabin that operates 24 hours a day

without electricity from the power grid,

generates no carbon emissions

and can be used anywhere

"Zero Carbon Cabin" Appearance

On the top of the gray-white cabin stands

two sets of strip-shaped wind leaves that blend red, blue and green,

with elements of the Winter Olympics, "dancing" in the wind in winter

Echoing the façade of the crystal and elegant "National Speed Skating Oval", which is the"Zero Carbon Cabin", developed by the BIT team.

During the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, it will be used as aticket service and emergency consultation site ticket service and emergency consultation site for the " National Speed Skating Oval "

Although the "zero-carbon cabin" is only 36 square meters, it is "complete with internal organs and sufficient food".

The cabin uses theroof fans and solar photovoltaic panelsto supply clean energy to meet the electricity needs of indoor air conditioners, office equipment, and large screens on the exterior walls.

It is also equipped with a heat recovery system and anenergy storage system to achieve energy self-sufficiency and intelligent regulation.

"Wind-solar storage" microgrid energy storage system

The cabin is equipped with a "zero-carbon intelligent control and display platform"

to realize intelligent control of the power system

It can also display energy consumption, energy supply, carbon emission reduction, indoor environment, etc.

During the Winter Olympics, no external energy supply is required and no carbon emissions are generated

"Zero Carbon Cabin" carbon measurement platform

In this cabin, air conditioning, lighting system, fresh air system, smart large screen and other equipment are readily available.

The cabin is self-sufficient with wind turbines and solar photovoltaics

At the same time, the building itself uses

environmentally friendly and recyclable steel materials

The cabin can be disassembled, moved and recycled

Can the cabin be carried away at any time after the Winter Olympics?

Yes. Because the materials used in the cabin are environmentally friendly and recyclable, and the assembly method is fully dry-connected, the assembly speed is very fast!

The cabin is currently in use

Venue staff feedback that

this is the most comfortable temporary building, even warmer, more comfortable, spacious and brighter than many houses with electricity

The application of the "zero carbon cabin" is an important step in the

green building construction of the Winter Olympics venues

Providing a reference direction for future construction

Green Winter Olympics! China’s solution with low carbon emission reduction!

The following video comes from Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, BIT

According to the calculation results of the project team on more than 30 low-carbon measures and technologies in all Winter Olympic venues,

At present, the carbon dioxide emission reduction of the Beijing Winter Olympics has approached1 million tons

In addition to providing scientific and technological support for the Winter Olympics

In the future, according to the needs of relevant national departments, the project team will also forma low-carbon solution for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games, a global publicity scheme for low-carbon achievementsanda white paper on the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei driven by the Winter Olympic Games, to show to the worldthe low-carbon actions of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, contribution to emission reduction, and the traction effect of regional coordinated development

Quantifying the effect of the Winter Olympics on the investment industry, energy economy, social life and other aspects is of great significance to the summary of the Olympic heritage

Behind the powerful "BIT solution" given by the team in just three months is the team's non-stop technical research

For team members, it is common practice to

hold discussions until one or two in the morning.

After the meeting is over, they go to sleep in the office

and wake up to continue working on key problems.

Team students installing equipment in a speed skating gym

In order to calculate carbon emission reduction and carbon emission data, it is necessary to carefully understand the professional knowledge of various technologies and measures in the process of venue construction and operation.

For example, the calculation team should learn what is carbon dioxide ice making technology, what is the difference between carbon dioxide ice making technology and traditional Freon ice making technology,

where to reduce carbon and where to discharge carbon

Today, many scientists in the team have become ice experts

In order to develop the Winter Olympics carbon measurement

platform in a short time,

every member of the team is working overtime

Behind this isthe accumulation and precipitation of the team for decades

Group photo of the members of Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, BIT

In the 1990s, Professor Wei Yiming established a research team for modeling complex systems of resources and environment.

In 2009, Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research, BIT was founded.

In 2015, it was approved as aninnovative research group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

In 2016, it was approved as theBeijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management

The project has received extensive attention from many media such as"People's Daily", "Beijing Daily", "China Women's Daily", "Beijing News"and so on!

Green Olympic Games, Shared Olympic Games

Open and clean Olympics

BITers are in action!
