

Professor Guo Shuxiang of BIT was Elected as IEEE Fellow of 2021

Several days ago, the world’s largest non-profit professional technical society IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) announced the list of 2021 IEEE Fellows.

Professor Guo Shuxiang of Beijing Institute of Technology, with his outstanding contributions in the direction of minimally invasive surgical robots and bionic underwater robots, was successfully elected as a 2021 IEEE Fellow.

IEEE is committed to the development and research of electrical, electronic, computer engineering, communications, automation engineering, and science-related fields. It has now developed into one of the most influential international academic organizations in the world. IEEE currently has approximately 420,000 members and 39 professional clubs. IEEE Fellow is the highest honor awarded by the organization and is recognized as an authoritative honor and important professional achievement in the academic and technological circles. Each year, peer experts are selected from members who have made outstanding contributions.

The selection process is very rigorous, and the number of members selected each time does not exceed 0.1% of the total number of members. The fact of the small number of IEEE Fellows elected each year determines that the elected scientists are generally outstanding scientists who have made important achievements in the fields of science and engineering technology.

Attachment of Professor Guo Shuxiang’s personal profile:


Guo Shuxiang, Doctor of Engineering, is currently a professor at the School of Life Science of Beijing Institute of Technology and director of the Key Laboratory of Integrated Medical Systems and Health Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He served as the founding conference chairman of the IEEE ICMA (Intelligent Conference on Mechatronics and Automation) and the editor-in-chief of the "IJMA (Intelligent Journals on Mechatronics and Automation)".

He has long been engaged in the research of micro-robot technology, micro-system for blood vessel inspection, and remote-control micro-operating system for medical biology. He took the lead in the world to develop two cerebrovascular examination microsystems with a diameter of 1mm. The developed bionic fish-shaped micro-robot with 3 degrees of freedom is the first in the world and was introduced and reported in the world authoritative magazine New Scientist (No.2340, p.17). He presided over more than 10 projects at the provincial and ministerial level, including the 863 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the key scientific research project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (equivalent to the 973 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China). He has published more than 580 academic papers, of which more than 170 have been included in SCI, and edited 10 large academic monographs. He has won 14 international academic awards and 2 provincial and ministerial second prizes. He has trained 35 doctoral candidates and 15 post-doctoral personnel. The dissertation of a doctoral student who graduated with his guidance was awarded the National Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award for Instrument Science and Technology.
