

All Three Newly-Run English International Journals of BIT were Selected as "High Starting Point New Journal Project of the 2020 Excellent Action Plan for Chinese Sci-tech Journals"

  Recently, the China Association for Science and Technology issued the "Notice on Distributing the High Starting Point and New Publication Options of the Chinese Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan". Three projects declared by Beijing Institute of Technology(BIT) (Energy Material Advances, Space: Science & Technology and Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation) were all selected into the "2020 China Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan High Starting Point New Publication Project", occupying 3 of the 30 places in China. This is another great achievement following the journals of Cyborg and Bionic Systems and Unmanned Systems selected into this project in November 2019. At this point, the construction of the matrix group of high starting point English science and technology journals of BIT has begun to gain a certain scale.

  Energy Material Advances is co-edited by Wu Feng, both an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at BIT, and Jun Liu, the chairman of the Clean Energy Innovation Association of Washington Research Foundation, as well as a professor at the University of Washington. The journal mainly revolves around the preparation, conversion, storage and utilization of energy, focusing on the latest development trends of green energy materials, clean energy technology and interdisciplinary integration. It also presents the new theories, new applications and new results in the field of energy materials, building an exchange and innovation platform for international counterparts.

  Toshio Fukuda, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and BIT professor, is the editor-in-chief of Cyborg and Bionic Systems. And four well-known scholars at home and abroad including BIT professor Huang Qiang serve as executive editors. The journal focuses on expanding the deep integration of life and electromechanical systems, covering cutting-edge topics in the fields of robotics, bioengineering, neuroscience and neural engineering.

  Space: Science & Technology is co-sponsored by Beijing Institute of Technology and China Academy of Space Technology. It is edited by Ye Peijian, a winner of the National Honorary Title of "People's Scientist" and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Deng Yulin, a professor at BIT, an academician of the International Academy of Astronautics and the chairman of the Department of Life Sciences, serves as the executive editor. The journal focuses on the latest development directions and trends in the international space field, displaying the new theories, new technologies and new applications in space science, space technology and space applications.

  The above three journals are jointly published by BIT Press and AAAS/Science. At present, it has obtained the international ISSN number and is scheduled to be officially published within this year. The collection of articles will be provided with free reading and download services for readers on the official Science website.

  Unmanned Systems is edited by Chen Jie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor of BIT. The journal focuses on the advanced science and technology in the field of unmanned systems research, highlighting the theoretical research results, technological innovations and academic insights of unmanned systems and related interdisciplinary subjects. The journal has been selected by ESCI and indexed by EI and Scopus. It was published jointly by BIT Press and Singapore World Science and Technology Press.

  Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation is edited by Sun Fengchun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor from BIT. Wang Zhenpo, professor from BIT, is the executive editor. The journal focuses on the low carbonization, electrification, intelligence and shared development of road transportation, rail transportation, water transportation, air transportation and other fields.

  It coincides with the 80th anniversary of BIT in 2020, while the construction of "Double First Class" is intensified. The construction of the matrix group of high-start English science and technology journals of BIT is of great significance, further demonstrating the discipline strength and academic group cohesion. It is a new measure to build "Double First Class", a new act to serve the country's major strategic needs in the face of the world's scientific and technological advancements, a new contribution of Chinese science and technology journals to serve the world's scientific research and innovation. BIT Press will continue to coordinate and serve the editorial committees of various journals, with the new starting point of "High Starting Point New Journal Project", with the goal of creating a world-class scientific journal, to fully push forward the new situation of international academic journal publishing.

A brief introduction of the new high-start journal project of the China Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan is attached:
In order to earnestly implement the "Opinions on Deepening Reform and Cultivating World-Class Sci-tech Journals", to promote the high-quality development of China's sci-tech periodicals, to accelerate the construction of world-class sci-tech periodicals, and to consolidate the scientific and cultural foundations for entering the world’s scientific and technological powers, China Association for Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Education The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Press and Publication Administration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Engineering jointly launched the China Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan in 2019.

  The "High Starting Point New Journal Project" uses domain selection, forward-looking layout, and prominent leadership to establish high starting point English science and technology journals in traditional advantages, emerging intersections, strategic frontiers, and key common technology fields. Based on the principles of making up for shortcomings, filling blanks, and promoting the accumulation of high-quality publishing resources, the project focuses on supporting the creation of new journals in priority construction areas. No more than 30 projects will be selected each year. After the selected project goes through the examination and approval procedures of the journal and is approved, each journal will be supported by RMB 500,000 yuan and be allocated in a lump sum.

 Translator:News Agency of BIT, Miao Yufei
Editor:Huo Shubo Review: Lin Jie
