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报 告 人:Tapan K. Sarkar (教授,IEEE Fellow)
时   间:2019年8月12日(周一)9:00
地   点:中关村校区10号教学楼205


  Tapan K. Sarkar在1969年于印度理工学院获得学士学位,在1971年于加拿大新布伦瑞克大学获得硕士学位,并于1975年在美国雪城大学获得硕士及博士学位。Sarkar教授在1975-1976年在通用仪器公司TACO部门工作。1976-1985年,Sarkar教授在纽约罗彻斯特理工学院工作。1977-1978年,他担任哈佛大学戈登·麦凯实验室研究员。现任雪城大学电子与计算机工程教授。他的研究方向包括计算电磁学,自适应信号处理。Sarkar教授已发表超过400篇期刊论文,大量会议论文以及15本学术专著。

  Sarkar教授是纽约注册专业工程师。他分别于1996和1998年在雪城大学获得了工程研究奖和Chancellor’s Citation。Sarkar教授是2014年IEEE 天线与传播技术学会主席,并且是2020年IEEE电磁学领域奖项获得人。



Tapan K. Sarkar received the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, in 1969, the M.Sc.E. degree from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, in 1971, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, in 1975. From 1975 to 1976, he was with the TACO Division of the General Instruments Corporation. He was with the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, from 1976 to 1985. He was a Research Fellow at the Gordon McKay Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, from 1977 to 1978. He is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University. His current research interests deal with numerical solutions of operator equations arising in electromagnetics and signal processing with application to system design. He has authored or coauthored more than 400 journal articles and numerous conference papers and 32 chapters in books and fifteen books.

Dr. Sarkar is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New York. He received the College of Engineering Research Award in 1996 and the Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Research in 1998 at Syracuse University. He was the 2014 President of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. He is the receipient of the 2020 IEEE Electromagnetics Field Award.

He received Docteur Honoris Causa from Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France in 1998, from Politechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain in 2004, and from Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland in 2012. He received the medal of the friend of the city of Clermont Ferrand, France, in 2000.




One of the established non-destructive techniques for subsurface deployment is through the use of ground penetrating radar. An electromagnetic wave is transmitted into the ground; the target reflects the wave and the reflections can be detected by an antenna placed above the ground. The electrical properties of the target can be recovered from the receiver response. Most ground-penetrating radars (GPRs) employ the ultra-wideband impulse radar technology. A single snapshot of the ground or an A-scan if properly used has the potential of simplifying the use of GPR in many applications. But this would require the use of waveform signal processing, which would include deconvolution algorithms, noise filtering and parameter estimation techniques. In this paper the ground penetrating system is modified such that the effect of the ground bounce and the antenna coupling is minimized. This is done through the use of two transmitter antennas instead of one. The will totally reduce the antenna coupling effects, but the ground bounce is to some extent dependent of the surface roughness of the ground. In this research the ground has been assumed to have a planar surface. The effect of the dielectric constant of the ground on the system is also studied.
