作为我校最早开展本科生国际合作培养的学院之一,学院已与德国慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich)、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)、加拿大西门菲莎大学(Simon Fraser University)、俄罗斯莫斯科国立鲍曼技术大学(Baumann State Technical University)、俄罗斯萨马拉国立航空航天大学(Samara National University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,)、西班牙马德里理工大学(Polytechnic University of Madrid)等国际著名高校建立长期合作关系,每年选派优秀本科生到国外进行毕业设计和学习交流,约1/3本科生有出国交流经验。
学院现有工程力学国家级教学团队、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体、北京高校优秀本科育人等高水平教学和研究团队。国际天文学会联合会将11812号小行星以学院乔栋教授命名为“乔栋星”——11812 DongQiao。
超过79%的本科毕业生选择继续深造,国内深造主要包括留校读研和前往清华大学、北京大学及中国科学院等一流高校、研究所继续学习,国(境)外深造主要包括美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、俄罗斯国立鲍曼技术大学(Baumann State Technical University)、英国曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)等。
The School of Aerospace Engineering which was originally established in 1957, is generally acknowledged to be among the top leading programs in aerospace engineering in China. And it was ranked 6th in aerospace science and technology, and 9th in Mechanics in the 2012 national program rankings. Since then, the school had witnessed a great number of excellent alumni working in aerospace engineering related fields.
The school holds many Beijing key experimental laboratories and education centers. A number of research results won national awards, and the school receives annual research funding of more than 100 million RMB.
The school has very strong faculty members; many of them are playing active and important roles in academic societies. Among them, Professor Hu Haiyan was honored as the member of Chinese Academy of Science, and Professor Meifengxiang was awarded National Distinguished Educator.
The school has a strong background and productive research in Vehicle overall design, the deep space detection technology, aerospace propulsion technology, space launch technology, dynamics and control, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and biomechanics, many disciplines listed above keep the leading position in national aerospace engineering research.
Degree programs in Aerospace engineering are offered at Bachelors(Programs: aerospace engineering、engineering mechanics), Masters and Doctorate (Programs: mechanics、aerospace science and technology) levels since 2006.
At the Bachelors level, our graduates will have the necessary understanding of Vehicle overall design, structural design of aircraft, aircraft flight dynamics and control, to be well prepared for careers in aerospace engineering and related fields.
At the Masters and Doctorate level, our graduates will have reached a level of expertise in aerospace science and technology、and mechanics, they will be well-trained to master solid theoretical knowledge and experimental skills, and prepared to perform teaching and research in aerospace engineering related areas.
The school actively collaborates with international research organizations in Germany, Russia, Netherlands、Spanish and other nations. Each year many reputed scholars and researchers are invited to give lectures, and there are a great number of students selected to conduct their projects abroad.