培养在设计学科专业领域掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专业知识,具有较全面的设计技能与复合型知识,兼具宽厚的人文社会科学基础,具有创新精神和创新能力的创新性人才,塑造产品设计领域中“能力强、素质优、有独创精神”的产品设计专门人才 。
学院于2002年成立亚洲设计研究中心,2019年成立北理工国际设计中心,与多所国外高校签订合作协议,打造国际化设计人才联合培养平台,培养国际化视野人才,学院专职外籍教授参与课程培养并承担专业核心课程教学。学院注重国际影响力及学术声誉的提升,开展“2021国际大学生创新实践设计奖大赛”,收到来自英国皇家艺术学院(Royal Academy of Art)、意大利米兰理工大学(Milan Polytechnic University)、美国旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)、日本九州大学(Kyushu University)、荷兰埃因霍温理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology)、清华大学、北京大学、中央美术学院、中国美术学院等159所国际一流设计院校的有效参赛作品1609份。
近年来学生竞赛获奖成绩突出,如德国红点奖最佳设计奖、德国 iF 新秀设计大奖最佳设计奖、美国IDEA 大奖金奖、美国斯坦福大学老年设计竞赛全球三强、意大利A'Design设计大赛优秀奖、CDN 中国汽车设计大赛“最佳外观设计奖”、国际大学生雪雕大赛特等奖暨艺术家大奖、UXDA国际用户体验创新大赛一等奖等。
学院现有教职工80余人,其中专任教师68人,含外籍教师2人,正高级教授13人,副教授27人,具有海外留学与访学经历专业教师50人;聘请慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich)、代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)、清华大学等国内外高校学者20余位,担任客座教授,构建了高层次国际化团队;从知名企业引进40余位业界专家,担任兼职导师,组建实践教学团队。
本科生升学率保持在60%左右,国内升学院校有bob手机在线登陆、清华大学、同济大学等,超过25%毕业生前往爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)、英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art,)、美国帕森斯设计学院(Parsons School of Design,)、纽约视觉艺术学院(New York School of Visual Arts)、日本武藏野美术大学(Musashino University of Fine Arts)等国外顶尖设计艺术学院进行深造。此外,针对艺术类专业学科特点,学院积极搭建平台,支持鼓励毕业生自主创业,拓宽大学生就业渠道。
After years of investment and construction, the school currently owns a variety of labs, workshops and institutes, including the Human Factors Engineering and Interactive Design Lab, the Digital Virtual Image Lab, the Automobile Design Workshop, the Modeling Lab, the Seat Design and Study Institute and the Military Product Design Workshop, serving the purpose of matching the rapid development of the school, and improving teaching effectiveness and students’ practical skills. They provide ideal training grounds for students to carry out design projects and artistic creations. The school also co-founded institutes for teaching, research and internship with well-known enterprises both in China and other countries, in order to improve students’ team spirit and creativeness. Apart from manual skills, the school attaches importance to cultivating students’ literacy in humanities, and encourages teachers and students to apply for academic and research projects featuring rational spirit. Meanwhile, the school frequently hosts or co-hosts various internal or international academic conferences or forums, and invites established western or Chinese scholars to make visits or give lectures. Keeping friendly relationships with many colleges and universities, teachers and students of the school, under the support of the nation, BIT and the school, regularly or irregularly study and conduct research in well-known colleges overseas, so as to update themselves on the most recent developments in fields they study and participate in international artistic creations.
Most of the teaching staff were graduated from well-known colleges or universities, and are influential scholars, designers and artists. With teachers excellent in artistic creation and research, the teaching quality can be ensured. Apart from giving academic instructions, the teachers encourage students to learn from traditional theories and social experiences. Over 30 years, the school has been using academic and social resources to help students gain experience in individual or group creations and encouraging them to participate in internships, so as to be involved in design and art industries and make their part of contributions to the development of society. Since its establishment, the school’s teachers, and outstanding graduates and alumni have been spreading across China and to other countries, achieving great results in a broad spectrum of fields, including military product design, barrier-free and universal design, interactive design, visual communication, architecture, internal design, landscape design, ceramics, painting, cultural heritage studies, and art theory. They have received recognitions and praises for their achievements and taken many well-known awards for design and art.
Under the guideline that to build BIT as an internationally recognized university with unique characteristics and featuring in science and technology in 2040, the School of Design and Arts will make use of its advantages in subjects of science and technology and bring about the integration between science and humanities as well as between design and art. On the course of establishing a design & art educational structure in modern form and on advanced visions, the school is trying to keep at the forefront of the artistic education and scientific research systems in the 21st century. With first-class teaching quality and research, the School of Design and Arts is on its way to become a representative and unique school of high standard in China’s design and art education and in scientific research.