学院与美国加州伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)、萨斯卡切温大学(Saskatchewan University)、新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore等多个国外大学签署了交换学生、访问学者和科研合作协议。
专任教师具有博士学位教师超过98.6%,具有长期国外学习、工作经历的教师超过75%。学院教师曾在Nature, Science等国际顶级期刊上发表研究成果多篇。
生命学院本科毕业生大多进入牛津大学(University of Oxford,)、杜克大学(Duke university)、清华大学、北京大学、中科院、上海交通大学等国内外知名高校和科研单位继续深造,少量学生选择国内外知名企业、公务员、教师等岗位就业。生物医学工程专业毕业生能够从事医疗设备相关生物医学信号检测及信息处理、图像信息处理及分析、软硬件开发、系统管理、医疗大数据等方面的工作。
The School of Life Science was founded in 2002 with a first-rate teaching staff. Among the faculty, more than 80% have their Ph.D degree. More than one-third of them have long term overseas experience of learning or working. The program of biomedical engineering is ranked 12th in China. The key research fields are the biology science, bioengineering,and biomedicine.
At present, there are three undergraduate programs: Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology.There are four Master degree programs: Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Medicine, and Chemical Engineering and Technology. In order to sharpen students’ professional skills, the school carries out a variety of special courses include bioinformation, immunology, gene engineering, biochemical reaction engineering, bioseparation engineering, and bioinstrument test and biomedical electronics.
Graduates are qualified for work in biology, medicine, environment, agriculture, marine, and light and chemical industry fields. Students are compound talents in theoretical research, engineering and technical design, and research and application with engineering technology and biological, medical knowledge.
The international communication and cooperation in our school has realized remarkable achievements. We have build long-term and stable relationships with many foreign universities in the USA, Canada, Britain, Japan, Germany, and Spain. We also signed agreements for exchanging graduate students and scholars and cooperating in scientific research with many universities, such as the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), the University of Bologna (Italy), the Illinois Institute of Technology (USA),and Purdue University (USA).
In addition, our school carries out close technical cooperation with companies in the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries. Presentingly the school has sponsored or hosted many large-scale international academic conferences and has enrolled 14 international students (including graduate students). Furthermore, the school has invited many highly qualified foreign professors whose background is in the research of space biology, neurobiology, biomedical engineering and biochemical engineering to visit us.isit us.