材料学院于 2002 年由原化工与材料学院(高分子材料与工程专业、精细化工专业(部分)、阻燃材料国家专业实验室)、机械工程与自动化学院(材料科学与工程专业、材料成型及控制工程专业)及材料科学研究中心组建而成,2015 年原化工与环境学院的环境与能源材料系并入材料学院。学院下设7个系(中心),主要培养材料科学与工程领域从事前沿材料基础理论研究和高新材料技术开发的卓越人才。
材料学院设有材料科学与工程、材料化学等专业。先后获得国家级一流本科专业建设点、全国工程教育专业认证、教育部卓越工程师计划专业、北京市一流本科专业建设点。材料科学与工程学科是 211工程、985 工程、“双一流”等历次国家重点建设学科,为全国第四轮学科评估A类学科,在QS、US news、ESI 等世界学科排名进入前100名。
材料学院建有冲击环境材料技术国家级重点实验室等 6 个国家级科研(教学)平台,动力电池及化学能源材料等 8 个省部级科研平台。现有教学与科研实验室面积约 15000 ㎡,拥有总价值超过 5 亿元的众多大型先进仪器设备。
学院近三年到校科研经费 9.6亿元,专任教师人均年科研经费超过 200万元。学院成立以来,获得国家科学技术奖等重要奖项 17 项,包括代表原始创新能力的国家自然科学一等奖、代表服务国家需求的国家科技进步一等奖,和省部级科技奖30多项。
学院与美国、德国、以色列、加拿大、意大利、英国、日本、澳大利亚、新加坡等10余个国家的30余所世界著名高校、研究机构建立了固定联系。与加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario,)、爱尔兰都柏林大学(University College Dublin)、以色列特拉维夫大学(Tel Aviv University)、美国加州大学(University of California)等建立了“3+1+1”等研究生联合模式。
The School of Materials Science and Engineering was found in 1940. The school has established a national key laboratory of impact environment material technology and a national laboratory of flame retardant materials, and teaching and scientific research bases equipped with many large and advanced instruments. The school possesses many distinguished professors including Cai Hongnian, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as Zou Bingsuo and Wang Yandong, two Yangtze River Distinguished Scholars. The school has undertaken many national scientific research projects. Many of these projects are innovative and cutting edge.
The school enrolls international undergraduates and graduates in the program of materials science and engineering. The program with metal materials, ceramic materials and electronic and information materials as key disciplines, prepares undergraduates with basic theory and ability in research and application of metal and inorganic nonmetallic materials. The master’s degree enhances the students’ knowledge and ability in materials design, manufacturing and analysis.
Graduates will engage in teaching, scientific research, technology development, management and trade in universities, institutes, government and enterprises.
The school has conducted international cooperation with many foreign scientific research institutes and famous universities by inviting a large number of international scholars for lectures and sending distinguished teachers and students abroad for academic exchange and learning.