深空探测学报(中英文) /sktcxb/ 《深空探测学报(中英文)》2021年第4期 2021 8 4 “长征五号”系列运载火箭总体方案与关键技术 /sktcxb//article/id/48e90c22-3715-4202-bd89-2829b29bb198 “长征五号”(CZ-5)运载火箭是中国全新研制的新一代大型运载火箭,先后圆满完成了中国首次火星探测、探月三期工程“嫦娥五号”探测器发射任务。运载火箭历经30余年关键技术攻关和工程研制,在研制过程中,研发团队攻克了大量的工程技术难题,积累了丰富的大型低温运载火箭研制经验,构建了新一代运载火箭的研制体系,运载火箭的研制能力和研制基础有了质的提升。本文叙述了“长征五号”的研制背景,立足火箭总体技术方案及技术创新,论述了火箭发展思路及模块化构型方案、全箭总体优化设计技术、大直径大集中载荷箭体结构技术等方面内容,探讨了针对深空探测任务的“长征五号”关键技术攻关,具体有深空探测任务轨道设计及优化技术、窄窗口多轨道发射技术。“长征五号”火箭是中国新一代运载火箭标志性重大工程,代表了中国运载火箭技术的最高水平,是中国由航天大国迈向航天强国的重要标志。 8 4 335 343 李东, 李平岐, 王珏, 黄兵, 刘秉 “长征五号”火箭总体优化与设计 /sktcxb//article/id/9ac27f92-3495-4bdb-bc24-142f28fdab3f 介绍了“长征五号”(CZ-5)火箭总体关键技术,包括大型低温火箭气动布局优化设计、摆动助推器发动机姿态控制设计、大型捆绑火箭力热环境预示等,提出总体优化技术方案,采用设计与仿真新技术并利用大型地面试验进行验证,实现地球同步转移轨道14 t级的运载能力跨越,整体技术达到同类火箭国际先进水平。为满足深空探测任务需要,对“长征五号”火箭的总体技术进行了优化和改进。 8 4 344 353 刘秉, 李东, 黄兵, 黄辉, 李平岐 “长征五号”火箭助推器关键技术及方案设计 /sktcxb//article/id/1d56a791-f610-4bd0-a08a-b2c8a7f9dedc “长征五号”(CZ-5)系列火箭是中国全新研制的新一代大型运载火箭,承担着中国探月工程、深空探测等国家重点专项工程。“长征五号”火箭助推器是国内最大的助推器,为“长征五号”火箭提供90%的起飞推力。总结了国内外助推器发展现状及对比指标,并基于“长征五号”助推器研制过程,从助推器总体方案、功能与组成、关键技术特点等方面展开论述,最后展望了助推器的未来发展趋势。“长征五号”助推器的研发为“长征五号”火箭和大型低温火箭的任务实施奠定了坚实的基础,积累了丰富的经验。截至目前,“长征五号”系列火箭助推器均圆满完成飞行试验,推动了后续助推器发展及应用拓展。 8 4 362 371 黄帅, 丁一凡, 焦震, 王春林, 张欣耀 “长征五号”火箭大容量调频遥测系统研制 /sktcxb//article/id/5184ce1c-a9b7-4c25-8999-0bb7c8c8b646 遥测系统负责获取全箭飞行遥测数据,是事后评定火箭综合性能的关键。介绍了应用于“长征五号”(CZ-5)运载火箭的新一代大容量调频遥测系统的总体方案与组成。重点针对10 Mbps高码率调频遥测关键技术应用面临的问题,从调频遥测增强技术应用、分级基带数据综合与传输、高增益天馈系统三个方面给出了技术攻关情况与飞行试验应用验证结果。结合研制历程,总结了新一代火箭大容量调频遥测系统的研制经验以及拓展应用情况。 8 4 372 379 林敏, 张佳宁, 徐林丰, 祝伟, 任宁 直径五米大型箭体结构设计与优化 /sktcxb//article/id/e86c7289-c4b0-433a-9b5c-86775fc9bc5d 箭体结构系统作为运载火箭的重要系统之一,是运载火箭的基础,直接关系着运载火箭的整体性能。针对箭体结构产品尺寸从直径3.35 m到直径5 m的巨大跨越所面临的一系列技术难题,采用创新设计理念建立了一套适用于5 m级大型箭体结构产品设计的理论方法体系,大力推动箭体结构材料体系的更新换代,构建了5 m级大型箭体结构产品体系,实现了5 m级大型箭体结构精细化与多功能一体化设计。 8 4 380 388 骆洪志, 郭彦明, 吴会强 大推力氢氧发动机故障仿真与试验研究 /sktcxb//article/id/7290d8a7-7269-4e9c-88b0-986d37cf4558 为对大推力氢氧发动机的某次试验开展故障定位,建立了液体火箭发动机动态特性仿真模型库,搭建了大推力氢氧发动机动态特性仿真模型,并通过与试验实测参数对比,验证了仿真模型的准确性。针对发动机可能出现的故障,依次开展仿真计算,将获得的结果与故障实测参数进行对比,得到最有可能的故障模式为氧涡轮排气管路阻塞。通过试验对仿真结果开展验证,结果吻合良好,证明了故障定位的准确性与通过动态仿真实现大推力氢氧发动机故障定位的方法可行性,为未来发展大推力氢氧发动机故障监测与定位技术奠定了基础。 8 4 389 398 张箭, 巩岩博, 刘忠恕, 王维彬 氢强迫循环预冷的系统仿真研究 /sktcxb//article/id/4b5ade8b-7e46-4220-b632-189124d084bc 低温液体火箭发动机由于低温特性在起动前必须对发动机及其增压输送系统进行充分预冷。预冷方式很大程度上决定了一枚火箭射前操作程序的复杂性和推迟发射的适应性,具体选择哪一种预冷方式需要综合考虑。通过比较3种常见预冷方式的优缺点,给出了选取预冷方式需考虑的因素和准则。最后通过AMESim两相流库建立了氢循环泵强迫预冷模型,根据系统特性提炼了贮箱气枕压力、循环泵转速和氦隔离密封腔压力等3个影响预冷的因素。仿真结果表明,这3个因素对循环预冷的影响主要是通过改变循环泵出口压力与氦隔离腔密封压力差来实现的。越大的压力差越有利于达到发动机预冷条件。 8 4 399 406 黄兵, 李东, 张树杰, 于子文 深空探测任务协同的系统工程方法应用及趋势 /sktcxb//article/id/307fabe9-c7b3-4cf9-832a-b9b9ba3866ba 综述了基于模型的系统工程(Model-Based Systems Engineering,MBSE)的技术发展现状,分析了深空探测系统工程与MBSE的问题及挑战,提出构建数字化工程生态是新一代深空探测MBSE的发展方向,归纳了面向深空探测任务协同的MBSE方法框架,提出了支持深空探测任务协同的“4个闭环迭代”流程方法,综合分析了支撑深空探测MBSE的系统模型体系与工具链平台。面向深空探测任务特点,专门探讨了跨专业、跨层级、跨阶段、跨地域的协同设计与持续验证技术,以及基于模型的安全性可靠性质量管理与技术状态控制技术,最后总结展望了深空探测新一代基于模型的数字化系统工程的内容要点和关键趋势。 8 4 407 415 于国斌 新一代单体月球激光角反射器方案设计 /sktcxb//article/id/1f2b097f-eaa0-456f-ad50-73c0ccdefe37 设计了用于新一代月球激光测距(Lunar Laser Ranging,LLR)的单体大孔径激光角反射器,在分析当前国内外研究进展及发展趋势基础上,介绍了所设计的单体大孔径激光角反射器的整体设计方案,具体包括:角反射器的设计和月面安置方案、地面测试方案。验证结果表明:所设计的单体170 mm孔径空心角反射器,在532 nm波长的反射光强可达到理想“阿波罗11”(Apollo 11)角反射器阵列的68.5%。该研究预期可将月球激光测距的单个接收光子对应的内符合精度提升至毫米量级。 8 4 416 422 何芸, 胡泽主, 黎明, 刘祺, 叶贤基 空间甚低频太阳Ⅱ型射电暴研究进展 /sktcxb//article/id/540d9e0e-6f93-49c7-8cf0-85f8339cd94d 耀斑和日冕物质抛射(Solar flares and coronal Mass Ejections,CME)是产生灾害性空间天气的源扰动。Ⅱ型射电暴是CME驱动的激波在日冕和行星际空间中运动引起电磁波辐射的结果。以研究太阳物理和空间天气预警预报为背景,对Ⅱ型射电暴特别是甚低频Ⅱ型射电暴的频谱特征以及物理成因进行分析,认为甚低频Ⅱ型射电暴不但可以用于估计CME激波的运动速度、诊断日冕磁场等物理参数,还可以为空间天气预警预报方面提供参考。研究结果可以为空间甚低频射电观测设备的科学研究及应用方面提供有益的参考。 8 4 423 432 高冠男, 汪敏, 董亮, 郭少杰 Adaptive Control for Space Greenhouse Light Assembly /sktcxb//article/id/487957cd-cfe7-4b07-8005-cdf2ec235810 To date, Light Emitting Diodes-based (LED) illuminators are widely used for plants lighting in greenhouses in addition to natural light, as well as in plant factories without natural light. Optimization of artificial lighting parameters, such as the daily light integral and the ratios of different spectral components, can significantly reduce the cost of crop production in light culture including Space Greenhouses (SG) in Biological Life Support Systems (BLSS). However, the optimization of LED lighting systems is so far limited by the lack of information about the physiological effects caused by narrow-band radiation, as well as the complexity of the mathematical description of plant crops reactions to the changes of LED lighting parameters. In conditions of artificial illumination, crop producers usually strive to establish an optimal light regime that is constant throughout the whole growing season. However, there is experimental data on changes in the requirements for the illumination regime of crops with increasing age of plants. A promising approach to improving the parameters of crops LED lighting is the adaptive method of search engine optimization using biological feedback. The Adaptive Lighting System (ALS) is described on the basis of illuminator with red and white LEDs built at the Institute for Biomedical Problems (Moscow, Russia) for Chinese cabbage cultivation. The adaptive control procedure implements a continuous automatic search for current lighting parameters that provide optimal plant growth characteristics in real time. ALS includes a closed growth chamber with Light Assembly (LA) based on red and white LEDs, equipped with a Gas CO<sub<2</sub< Analyzer (GA). The Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) from each type of LEDs can be controlled independently from each other according to the program in the MicroProcessor (MP). Periodically, infrared GA measures the decrease in CO<sub<2</sub< concentration inside the growth chamber caused by Visible Photosynthesis (VF) of the crop. MP receives a signal from the GA output and calculates the photosynthesis rate of the crop, as well as the value of the lighting quality functional at the current time. Then the program compares the obtained values of the optimization criterion at the current moment and at the previous step and calculates the direction of the gradient according to picked algorithm and the new values of the LED supply currents, leading to a change in the value of the optimization criterion in the right direction. Further, the power supply unit realizes the currents of LED chains of each type and LA changes the plant lighting mode. As a criterion for the lighting quality in SG we used the minimum specific value of the Equivalent System Mass (ESM), which depends on the plants lighting regime. The cost coefficients of the unit of SG planting area equivalent mass and the unit of electric power consumed by SG significantly depend both on the spacecraft design and on the space expedition scenario. According to the literature, the equivalent system mass estimates depending on the light flux density and the crop light efficiency have been calculated in a spacecraft for the space expedition scenario at a long-term use lunar base with a crew of 4. To search for the current optimal lighting parameters during the plant growth, gradient and simplex algorithms were used. As optimization factors, the integral PPFD incident on the crop at the shoot tips level and the ratio of red and white light flux densities (factors <i<X</i<1 and <i<X</i<2, respectively) were used. Factor <i<X</i<1 was regulated in the range from 200 μmol/(m<sup<2</sup<·s) to 700 μmol/(m<sup<2</sup<·s), and factor <i<X</i<2 was from 0 to 1.5. The effectiveness of ALS was evaluated by comparing ESM when using ALS or the best constant LED lighting from comparison experiment. Adaptive optimization of Chinese cabbage crop lighting from the 14th to 24th day of vegetation according to the minimum ESM criterion (1) for the lunar base expedition led to a 14.9% saving in the SG equivalent mass. Similar systems with other optimization criterion can be use for terrestrial plant factories. 8 4 433 444 Y. Berkovich, A. Buryak, O. Ochkov, O. Perevedentsev, S. Smolyanina