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Special Issue on
Micro/Nano Technology for Biomedical Applications

Release Date: 2021-08-26 Visited:
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The booming developments of micro/nano technologies enable the precise control of human organs, cells or even single molecules. This capability promotes existing diagnostic and therapeutic technologies to a new horizon. Meanwhile, research at the convergence of micro-electronics, nano-materials, biochemistry, and information technology is leading to new biomedical applications, including molecular imaging, point of care testing, gene therapy and bionics, which are expected to revolutionise the healthcare industry and significantly improve human health. In particular, these novel micro/nano technologies are expected to diagnose diseases at the earliest possible stage, treat diseases with more effective therapy, assess prognosis by more efficient methods. Apart from developing micro/nano materials and devices with specific functions, another direction of biomedical micro/nano technology is to develop the seamless integration processes from materials through devices and eventually into engineering systems.

This special issue aims to not only provide an advanced review that can attract both research beginners and seniors in related fields, but also advocate the thinking of future directions of biomedical micro/nano technologies for improving human health. Prospective authors are invited to submit research papers on topics including, but not limited to:

● Biomedical Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical System (Bio-MEMS/NEMS)

Biological, Bioinspired or Bionic Micro/Nano Materials and Devices

Biomedical Signal Processing

Micro/Nano Technology in Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy

Micro/Nano Technology for Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery

Micro/Nano Technology for Precision Medicine and Translational Medicine

All submissions will be peer-reviewed according to the Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology guidelines. The contributions should be original and have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Submit your manuscript on https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbit.Prospective authors should consult the site http://journal.bit.edu.cn/jbit for guidelines and information on paper submission.


Submission deadline: Jan. 31, 2022; Publication date: Jun. 30, 2022

Guest Editors

Zewen Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China (weizewen@bit.edu.cn)

Weizhi Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China (wangwz@bit.edu.cn)

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Release Date: 2021-08-26 Visited: