[1] Don Ihdc. Tcchnics and Praxis[M]. Dordrccht:Rcidcl Publishing Company,1979
[2] Don Ihde. Technology and the Lifeworld: From Garden To Earth[M]. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1990.
[3] Don Ihde. Instrumental RcaLism: The Interface Between Philosophy of science and Philosophy of Technology[M] Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1991
[4] Don Ihde. Existential Technics[M]. State University of New York Press,1983
[5] Don Ihde. Philosophy of Technology:An Introduction[M]. New York: Paragon House
[6] Don Ihde. Bodies In Technology[M]. 2001 Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press
[7] Albert Borgman. Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophy Inquiry[M]. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press
[8] Andrew Fecnberg. Alternative Modernity: The Technical Turn in Philosophy and Social Thcory[M]. 1995 Berkeley: University of California Press ,P144.
[9] Don Ihde. Expanding Hermenntics: VisnaLism in Scicnec[M]. 1998 Evanston. Northwestern University Press.