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潘煜, 赵艳琦, 范静, 万岩. 基于重叠效应的农村市场渗透模型及实证研究[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2013, (6): 51-63.
引用本文: 潘煜, 赵艳琦, 范静, 万岩. 基于重叠效应的农村市场渗透模型及实证研究[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2013, (6): 51-63.
PAN Yu, ZHAO Yanqi, FAN Jing, WAN Yan. Research on the Rural Market Penetration Model based on the Overlapping Effect[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, (6): 51-63.
Citation: PAN Yu, ZHAO Yanqi, FAN Jing, WAN Yan. Research on the Rural Market Penetration Model based on the Overlapping Effect[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, (6): 51-63.




Research on the Rural Market Penetration Model based on the Overlapping Effect

  • 摘要:针对农村消费者的流动性和市场非饱和性,提出基于重叠效应的农村市场渗透模型。根据扎根理论,提取影响我国农村通信市场渗透增长的产品属性、客户属性和重叠效应三类要素。采用中国农村通信服务市场实证研究,通过联合价值评估方法,发现市场重叠和市场差异结合程度既共同直接影响,也通过产品属性和客户属性间接影响农村通信市场渗透增长,而产品属性效应和客户属性效应也分别作用于市场渗透增长。研究显示:只有深入分析农民工作为技术或者信息服务接受者的角色和多重特征,才能获知有效的客户需求和价值诉求;只有准确挖掘产品多重价值属性,才能达到农村市场的价值效应最大化。
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English Abstract

潘煜, 赵艳琦, 范静, 万岩. 基于重叠效应的农村市场渗透模型及实证研究[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2013, (6): 51-63.
引用本文: 潘煜, 赵艳琦, 范静, 万岩. 基于重叠效应的农村市场渗透模型及实证研究[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2013, (6): 51-63.
PAN Yu, ZHAO Yanqi, FAN Jing, WAN Yan. Research on the Rural Market Penetration Model based on the Overlapping Effect[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, (6): 51-63.
Citation: PAN Yu, ZHAO Yanqi, FAN Jing, WAN Yan. Research on the Rural Market Penetration Model based on the Overlapping Effect[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, (6): 51-63.
参考文献 (53)


