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蒋琬, 顾琴轩. 仁慈型领导如何激发员工创造力?——社会认同与社会交换整合视角[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2015, (1): 70-77. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
引用本文: 蒋琬, 顾琴轩. 仁慈型领导如何激发员工创造力?——社会认同与社会交换整合视角[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2015, (1): 70-77.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
JIANG Wan, GU Qinxuan. How does Benevolent Leadership Lead to Employee Creativity?-The Integration Perspective of Social Identification and Social Exchange Theory[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (1): 70-77. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
Citation: JIANG Wan, GU Qinxuan. How does Benevolent Leadership Lead to Employee Creativity?-The Integration Perspective of Social Identification and Social Exchange Theory[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (1): 70-77.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110




How does Benevolent Leadership Lead to Employee Creativity?-The Integration Perspective of Social Identification and Social Exchange Theory

  • 摘要:整合社会认同和社会交换视角,构建仁慈型领导影响员工创造力作用机制模型.基于员工与领导配对调查的实证研究发现:仁慈型领导促进员工对领导认同,进而提升领导与员工的交换关系;员工对领导认同通过领导-成员交换影响员工创造力;员工对领导认同与领导-成员交换在仁慈型领导与员工创造力之间发挥顺序中介效用.
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English Abstract

蒋琬, 顾琴轩. 仁慈型领导如何激发员工创造力?——社会认同与社会交换整合视角[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2015, (1): 70-77. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
引用本文: 蒋琬, 顾琴轩. 仁慈型领导如何激发员工创造力?——社会认同与社会交换整合视角[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2015, (1): 70-77.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
JIANG Wan, GU Qinxuan. How does Benevolent Leadership Lead to Employee Creativity?-The Integration Perspective of Social Identification and Social Exchange Theory[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (1): 70-77. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
Citation: JIANG Wan, GU Qinxuan. How does Benevolent Leadership Lead to Employee Creativity?-The Integration Perspective of Social Identification and Social Exchange Theory[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (1): 70-77.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2015.0110
参考文献 (41)


