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崔宝玉, 孙迪. 组织印记、生态位与农民合作社联合社发展[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(5): 86-95. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
引用本文: 崔宝玉, 孙迪. 组织印记、生态位与农民合作社联合社发展[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(5): 86-95.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
CUI Baoyu, SUN Di. Organizational Seal,Niche and the Development of United Cooperatives[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 22(5): 86-95. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
Citation: CUI Baoyu, SUN Di. Organizational Seal,Niche and the Development of United Cooperatives[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 22(5): 86-95.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665






  • 中图分类号:C931

Organizational Seal,Niche and the Development of United Cooperatives

  • 摘要:以组织生态学为理论基础,建构了联合社演化机制的理论分析框架。研究发现,联合社建群者特征形塑了联合社建群者的生态圈效应和生态位效应,在联合社成立之初,建群者效用决定了其初始生态位的选取与生态圈的形态,并形成联合社建群者的效应印记,联合社生态圈宽度、均衡度、资源能力的互补度以及生态圈与生态位的匹配度之间所建构的因果反馈机制构成了生态圈的要素联结路径,如果建群者效用通过要素联结路径能够顺利转化为生态耦合效用,联合社就会规范成长,如果要素联结分化导致耦合效用畸变,联合社就会质性漂移,异化为企业,如果要素联结失败,联合社内外耦合都失败,联合社就会沦为空壳社、僵尸社。
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English Abstract

崔宝玉, 孙迪. 组织印记、生态位与农民合作社联合社发展[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(5): 86-95. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
引用本文: 崔宝玉, 孙迪. 组织印记、生态位与农民合作社联合社发展[J]. bob手机在线登陆学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(5): 86-95.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
CUI Baoyu, SUN Di. Organizational Seal,Niche and the Development of United Cooperatives[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 22(5): 86-95. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
Citation: CUI Baoyu, SUN Di. Organizational Seal,Niche and the Development of United Cooperatives[J].Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 22(5): 86-95.doi:10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.2665
参考文献 (54)


