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Biofuel Energy

作者: 来源: 时间:2015-11-24

Description of Technology Demand
Technology Name: Biofuel Energy
Technology Categories: Technology
Technical information: Energy is generated from oil from peanuts, olives or sesame seeds which are called Straight Vegetable Oils (SVO). Biodiesel and ethanol generation is also included.
Functions and Use: SVO biofuel can be produced with a very simple mechanical extraction process, but requires small engine modifications for it to be used in modern diesel engines. The production process for biodiesel is relatively simple but does require additional inputs of hazardous chemicals such as pure methanol and lye, and requires careful quality control. The extra benefits of Biodiesel over SVO are the greater flexibility of uses of the fuel, and also a by-product of its production is glycerine that can be sold for soap production. This type is also SVO biofuel made from seeds of the Jatropha Curcas plant.
Area: Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME), Cambodia
Similar technology in domestic: There are similar technology in domestic
Description of external environment
The adaptation of nature condition: easy to adapt to the natural conditions
Public facilities: Public facilities are very good
Supporting production: supporting production is very good
Capital source channels: The government together with the private sector
Technical personnel: Technical personnel are very rich
Policy environment: The government’s policy to support the introduction of technology
Supports for technical introduction
Expected support from which aspects: funds, Including the support from technology transfer country
Expected mode of technology transfer: technology transfer, joint research
Expected benefits
Biofuel energy can generate energy from vegetable oil and some other agricultural products which can help the people in the community.
Technology demander
Organization: Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME)
Contact: Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 222 504
Address: No. 45, Preah Norodom (St. 41), 12205 Phnom Penh